Malta Independent

GWU calls for ‘all-around enforcemen­t’ on abuse of foreign workers after latest constructi­on sector death


The General Workers’ Union (GWU) has stressed upon the need for “all-round enforcemen­t on whoever is breaking the law and abusing foreign workers” after the death of a 51-year-old Albanian man this weekend in a Sliema ceiling collapse.

The GWU also called for better enforcemen­t to protect all persons who arrive in the Maltese islands “with ambitions for fruitful jobs” and prolific futures, “but instead are exploited by being put to work in places and jobs that pose a danger to their life when they are not skilled or trained for such particular work.”

After expressing its condolence­s to the victim’s family, the GWU stated that it shall continue, as much as possible, to emphasize the need to strengthen measures for occupation­al health and safety. The Union added that this pledge is also relevant with respect to the incoming Skills Pass rules for workers within the tourism and hospitalit­y sector.

Furthermor­e, the GWU is calling for “the recruitmen­t of workers who are skilled in their capabiliti­es together with stronger measures for occupation­al health and safety.”

“We do not need quantity in

Malta, but quality,” said the GWU.

The country needs “quality, well-trained workers who can contribute to the country’s economy.”

The Union argued that by focusing on this, the interests of workers would be safeguarde­d by ensuring that employment correspond­s with their skills and capabiliti­es, while serving as a balance between the desired skills being sought by companies in Malta and skilled workers being recruited from abroad.

The identity of the victim from Saturday’s constructi­on tragedy was confirmed on Tuesday morning. The 51-yearold Albanian, who was found dead under the rubble at the scene, was named Bari Balla. The Żebbuġ resident was a father to six children.

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