Malta Independent

Investment in Gozo connection required


The Gozo Business Chamber last week, during an interview with The Malta Independen­t on Sunday, highlighte­d the need for better connection between Malta and Gozo.

Daniel Borg, CEO of the Gozo Business Chamber, said that without a permanent link between Gozo and Malta, there should be heavy investment in the vessels that serve as transporta­tion means, and possibly an increase in the fleet of ferries.

The idea of a permanent link between the two islands has been shelved. What Borg suggested is a good compromise and is needed. More vessels would mean less waiting time for people to travel between the two Islands (especially for those who have no other choice due to work or schooling), and would also mean fewer queues during the peak season.

The Chamber still believes that a form of permanent link is needed, but there are valid fears related to such a link, such as that it would likely spur on overdevelo­pment of Gozo, an issue which certain parts of the island have already been subjected too even without a tunnel or a bridge. Borg referred to underwater tunnels that link the Faroe Islands to facilitate transport, adding that their constructi­on did not “result in excessive developmen­t”. But Malta is not the Faroe Islands, and the situation in our country shows that there are not enough protection­s against overdevelo­pment. Developmen­t in Gozo, as well as Malta, should be sustainabl­e developmen­t, but sadly Government policies have thus far failed to result in this. Gozo should not lose what makes the Island unique, as some localities in Malta have. There are also concerns regarding the financial cost of a permanent link, as well as maintenanc­e costs etc.

However, this does not mean that all should be left as it is. Gozo does need better connection, there is absolutely no doubt about that, and the improvemen­t of the ferry fleet is one way to tackle the issue. Students need to travel between the two Islands, as do people with jobs on the other island.

The Chamber President emphasised that any new vessels that join the fleet must be accessible to everyone and adhere to certain pollution reduction standards. He also mentioned the need for investment in the ports of Mġarr and Ċirkewwa, to be able to meet with the demand and improve the facilities available. The investment must, of course, be sensitive to the environmen­tal landscape, but improvemen­ts should be made.

Improvemen­t in the fast ferry schedule would also be beneficial for commuters and tourists. Indeed Gozo has a lot to offer in terms of tourism, and tourism to Malta’s sister Island is effectivel­y completely reliant on its connection to Malta.

The Government should also do more to incentivis­e business in Gozo, thereby creating more jobs on the sister Island, and thus reducing the requiremen­t for people to commute.

 ?? ?? A cat hides in a field in the outskirts of Frankfurt, Germany on Monday, April 22, 2024. (AP Photo/Michael Probst)
A cat hides in a field in the outskirts of Frankfurt, Germany on Monday, April 22, 2024. (AP Photo/Michael Probst)

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