Malta Independent

Lifting of public official’s suspension sends a ‘very ugly message’ to victims of abuse – PN


The Nationalis­t Party on Thursday strongly deplored the fact that for the Labour Government, led by Robert Abela, sexual harassment has become acceptable.

In a statement, PN spokespers­ons said that, as reported by The Shift News, Clint Axisa, a Labour activist from Fgura, who had been suspended from the Public Service as he was facing criminal charges, has had his suspension lifted.

He was one of 36 public service officials to have their suspension lifted, despite still being subject to criminal proceeding­s in court.

The PN said that Axisa is accused of sexual harassment on the workplace in Transport Malta and is now reporting for work at Infrastruc­ture Malta. For the Government however, anything goes and this is not a serious case, the PN said.

They said that in simpler terms, Robert Abela allowed Axisa to return to work despite the ongoing legal proceeding­s.

It is food for thought that for the Government, accusation­s, including criminal ones, aren’t taken seriously, the PN added.

The Labour Government is sending a very ugly message that sexual harassment can be excused, if not also acceptable, the PN said. It added that the

Government is sending a message to victims of abuse that they should remain silent, not speak up and refrain from reporting such abuse since the abuser may have the Government’s blessing and protection.

The PN said that Robert Abela’s Government is once again showing that it is an unscrupulo­us Government for whom what is wrong became right. The Government says that it is feminist, however, its behaviour shows the contrary.

The PN said that this is another in a series of scandals that, unfortunat­ely, we have heard so much of that they have nearly become the norm.

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