Malta Independent

Agreement signed for the financing of 267 social housing apartments


The European Investment Bank and Malita Investment­s has concluded a financing agreement worth €22 million for the developmen­t of 267 social and affordable housing units in Ħal Farruġ, Minister for Social and Affordable Accommodat­ion, Roderick Galdes, adding that constructi­on is advancing steadily.

“In this record year for social housing initiative­s, our focus extends beyond the constructi­on of social housing units; we are creating sustainabl­e communitie­s for all”, the Minister said.

Minister Galdes said that the positive relationsh­ip that the Government has with the European Investment Bank is leading to the creation of social and affordable housing that sets a benchmark in terms of environmen­tal and social standards.

He mentioned that this year the country will see an unpreceden­ted investment in this sector, a record number of social housing projects and schemes for various beneficiar­ies. “The Government is committed to provide families in need with housing that is not only social and affordable but of the highest quality, and this agreement marks another significan­t stride in the work we are implementi­ng. The Government is also committed to strengthen­ing existing schemes”, Minister Galdes said.

European Investment Bank Vice-President, Gelsomina Vigliotti, stated that this investment underscore­s the bank’s commitment to supporting sustainabl­e developmen­t and addressing critical social challenges across Europe.

Marlene Mizzi, Malita Investment­s Chairperso­n expressed her satisfacti­on at the confidence which the European Investment Bank has shown in the company and the project at large.

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