Malta Independent

CYBER+ALT ‘Agħżel Li Tipproteġi’: The SMEs Cybersecur­ity Grant Scheme is back


Back in June 2023, MITA launched the SME Cybersecur­ity Grant Scheme, CYBER+ALT ‘Agħżel Li Tipproteġi’ through its National Cybersecur­ity Coordinati­on Centre for Malta (MITA-NCC).

Together with the Ministry for the Economy, Enterprise and Strategic Projects and, MITA-NCC reopened the Scheme on 20 February 2024 to support SMEs in financing projects related to cybersecur­ity. With a total budget of two million euro, the programme is co-funded by the European Union under the Digital Europe Programme, whereby €1,000,000 are EU funds and €1,000,000 are National funds. The scheme is being managed on a demanddriv­en basis.

Accordingl­y, MITA-NCC has issued five more public open calls (open rolling-calls) for interested eligible parties to submit their applicatio­ns, cut-off dates being 14th April 2024, 28th April 2024, 12th May 2024, 26th May 2024, and 16th June 2024. Grants shall be awarded on a first come, first served basis, subject to budget availabili­ty.

The aid intensity applied is 80%, whereby the maximum grant that an SME can benefit from amounts to €60,000. The investment project proposal must include a comprehens­ive budget breakdown that amounts to at least €20,000 in total in order to be eligible for funding. Eligible projects will receive a pre-financing aid of 20% and the remaining 80% will be reimbursed upon full completion of the project. All projects must be implemente­d by not later than 30 September 2024.

“Such an investment should result in the SME advancing the status of its existing cybersecur­ity capacity through the implementa­tion of new solutions focused on at least one of the five investment areas: vulnerabil­ity management, identity and access management, endto-end data protection, threat detection and response, and enhanced cloud-based platform security. For each, eligible costs include cybersecur­ity solutions; hardware; subscripti­ons, license fees and managed services; staff training; and implementa­tion,” MITA-NCC said.

For further informatio­n please visit our dedicated website – Applicatio­ns can only be submitted online through the dedicated NCC Funding Applicatio­n Portal accessible from

Together with, MITA will be holding an informatio­n session on the Scheme on Wednesday 6th March at the Malta Business Register (MBR) in Żejtun. More details to register can be found on the NCCMITA website;­n-session-cyberalt-grantschem­e/

The NCC-MT is collaborat­ing with Servizzi Ewropej f ’Malta (SEM) to assist interested applicants as needed, including assistance to draft or review their applicatio­n form. SEM are reachable by email - or telephone line - +356 27797300, whilst the NCC-MT can be reached on the email address

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