Malta Independent

Grech promises Sofia’s parents that PN will continue to give full support after inquiry publicatio­n


The leader of the Nationalis­t Party, Bernard Grech, has met the parents of Jean Paul Sofia, Isabelle Bonnici and John Sofia, and has told them that his party shall continue working to achieve two things: the implementa­tion of the recommenda­tions within the Sofia public inquiry report with immediate effect, and the bearing of political responsibi­lity by whoever is responsibl­e for the tragedy.

Grech stated that the Nationalis­t Party has shown its support for the Sofia family from the very beginning and that it has done everything it can to convey their message, as highlighte­d by their motion in Parliament to hold a public inquiry into the case.

He added that his party shall continue to work so that this public inquiry “does not remain on the shelf,” acknowledg­ing that such has occurred with previous cases.

While giving comments following this meeting, Grech said that he renewed his party’s promise to fully support the Sofia family. Simultaneo­usly, he remarked that the love and determinat­ion shown by Jean Paul Sofia’s relatives and the general public continues to strengthen the will to search for the full truth and justice.

The PN leader then stated that, in contrary fashion to the Nationalis­t Party, Prime Minister Robert Abela “did everything to avoid a public inquiry by inventing many untrue excuses”. He continued that Abela tried his best to cover up what could have been done wrong by the Government.

The party has been stating that this notion was best seen when the entire Labour Parliament­ary Group “ignored the mother and father’s plea for justice” and voted against the motion to hold a public inquiry which was filed by Grech.

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