Malta Independent

Ombudsman’s office opens probe into stable permits by PA


The Commission­er for Environmen­t and Planning, Perit Alan Saliba, following consultati­on with the Ombudsman Judge Emeritus Joseph Zammit McKeon, has initiated a comprehens­ive Own Initiative Investigat­ion concerning permits issued for stables by the Planning Authority since the implementa­tion of the Rural Policy and Design Guidance in 2014.

This proactive move aims to ensure that the process of issuing stable permits aligns with the guidelines and maintains integrity and transparen­cy, a statement from the Ombudsman's office said on Monday.

The investigat­ion will focus on several critical aspects to ascertain the adherence of the issued permits to the establishe­d policies and regulation­s.

Verificati­on of equine registrati­on : The investigat­ion will examine whether each stable permit correlates with a registered equine, ensuring that the facilities are utilised for their intended purpose.

Post-equine mortality measures : There will be an assessment of the steps taken by the Planning Authority when a registered equine, associated with a permitted stable, passes away to determine the subsequent use or modificati­on of the stable.

Prevention of permit abuse : The inquiry will scrutinise the mechanisms in place to prevent the issuance of multiple permits for a single equine, especially in cases where the equine has multiple owners, to curb potential abuses in the permit process.

Ownership verificati­on : A significan­t part of the investigat­ion will focus on ensuring that permits are only granted to individual­s who own equines, thereby preventing any misuse of the permitting system.

Considerat­ion of local registrati­ons : The Commission­er will also verify whether the Planning Authority prioritise­s local official equine registrati­ons over foreign or non-local sources when issuing stable permits.

This initiative underscore­s the Office of the Ombudsman's dedication in fostering accountabi­lity and transparen­cy, ensuring that the Rural Policy and Design Guidelines are respected and meticulous­ly followed, the statement said. Through this Own Initiative Investigat­ion, the Office intends to make recommenda­tions that will contribute to revising and enhancing the long-establishe­d rural policy.

 ?? ?? Key Points of the Investigat­ion :
Key Points of the Investigat­ion :

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