Malta Independent

Malta Chamber of Scientists elects a new president and council for 2024-2026

- Xjenza

Dr Alexandra Bonnici was elected as the new president of the Malta Chamber of Scientists during the Annual General Meeting held on 19th February 2024. Dr Bonnici is succeeding the previous president, Prof Ing. Gianluca Valentino, who has held the post for two consecutiv­e terms spanning over 4 years.

During his tenure, together with the outgoing Council, Prof. Ing. Valentino had spearheade­d various initiative­s, including rebranding the Chamber with a new website and running. He has supported various projects such as Wired Youth : Science Forum, ĊineXjenza, Science in the City, Malta Cafe Scientifiq­ue and Kids Dig Science. The Malta Chamber of Scientists signed memorandum of understand­ing agreements and collaborat­ed with various entities such as the University of Malta and The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry. Over the course of several years, the Chamber of Scientists put forward several proposals to improve the science and R&D ecosystem in Malta. Various meetings with stakeholde­rs, including public and private entities, Government Ministers and other officials, were held to discuss important matters relating to local scientists, R&D in Malta and STEM matters at various educationa­l levels. Prof. Valentino, in his message during his final AGM acting as President, said that “the Chamber of Scientists provides a valid platform for scientists, researcher­s, STEM educators and science communicat­ors to continue working to ensure that science in Malta keeps moving in the right direction.”

The new president, Dr Alexandra Bonnici, is a senior lecturer and the Head of the Department of Systems & Control Engineerin­g within the Faculty of Engineerin­g of the University of Malta, the Coordinato­r of the Certificat­e in Engineerin­g Sciences, and the Treasurer of the ACM Special Interest Group on Hypertext and the Web (SIGWEB). She has read her PhD studies at the

University of Malta, specialisi­ng in the field of computer vision, specifical­ly in the interpreta­tion of hand-drawn sketches. She has been active in STEM engagement, having introduced the Engineerin­g Technology Clubs at the Faculty of Engineerin­g. In her message, Dr Bonnici thanked Dr Duca and Prof. Ing. Valentino for nominating her for the role and expressed her eagerness to work with the MCS team, expressing her hope to follow in the footsteps of Prof. Ing. Valentino in continuing the good work of the MCS.

The Malta Chamber of Scientists welcomes new council members and confirms several other roles : Prof André Xuereb as Treasurer, Dr Edward Duca as Secretary, Dr Matthew Agius as Public Relations Officer, Prof Jackson Said as Science Policy Officer, Prof. Giuseppe DiGiovanni as Xjenza Online Liaison Officer, and Prof Cristiana Sebu as Editor-in-Chief of the journal Online.

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