Malta Independent

Jean Paul Sofia

The cruel accident which led to Jean Paul Sofia’s demise touched the hearts of a whole nation.

- Owen bonnici

The entire family, particular­ly Isabel and John, Jean Paul’s mother and father, had to face unimaginab­le sorrow resulting from this heart-wrenching tragedy. Once again, I would like to express my deepest sympathies towards this family, as well as an apology for all those moments leading up to the holding of the public inquiry during which we – myself included - came across as being insensitiv­e and unfeeling.

This week, the Jean Paul Sofia report resulting from the public inquiry presided over by Mr Justice Emeritus Joseph Zammit McKeon, was concluded and, subsequent­ly, presented to Prime Minister Robert Abela. The Prime Minister, on his part, immediatel­y published the whole report straightaw­ay and took decisive steps to address the issues which were highlighte­d. More importantl­y, a Cabinet subcommitt­ee was set up tasked with overseeing the implementa­tion of the inquiry’s recommenda­tions, demonstrat­ing the government’s commitment to action. The Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff Glenn Micallef – one of the most efficient persons I have had the pleasure to work with throughout my career in public life – was appointed to Chair this Inter-Ministeria­l committee.

Prime Minister Robert Abela also went to Parliament at the very first opportunit­y to discuss the report and its recommenda­tions, delivering a very clear speech which explained how, what and when things will be done in order the see a better regulation of the constructi­on sector. This commitment underscore­s the government’s determinat­ion to address the concerns raised by the public inquiry. Truth is that subsequent Labour and Nationalis­t Government­s had never grabbed the bulls by its horns in so far as this important sector is concerned and this is going to change.

In response to the inquiry’s findings, Prime Minister Robert Abela has announced five immediate initiative­s aimed at driving forward more reforms with regards to the constructi­on sector. These initiative­s signify a proactive approach to rectifying systemic and legacy issues and improving standards.

The first initiative focuses on enhancing citizens’ ability to seek redress for non-compliance issues. Recognizin­g the need for effective channels, the government will provide profession­al assistance, through experts, to citizens facing challenges within the constructi­on sector. This move aims to empower citizens and ensure that their concerns are efficientl­y addressed. Also the mandate of the Commission­er for the Environmen­t and Planning within the Office of the Ombudsman will be increased in order to cover issues related to constructi­on.

The second initiative involves intensifyi­ng enforcemen­t through the creation of a centralize­d unit responsibl­e for overseeing compliance in the sector. Additional­ly, a dedicated helpline will be establishe­d to facilitate reporting and resolution of issues related to noncomplia­nce. This step reflects a commitment to robust enforcemen­t measures and streamline­d reporting mechanisms.

The third initiative, slated for implementa­tion before this summer, revolves around the introducti­on of a new legislatio­n regulating the Occupation­al Health and Safety Authority (OHSA). This new law will aim to reform health and safety aspects within the constructi­on sector, demonstrat­ing a commitment to ensuring the well-being of workers and the general public.

The government’s fourth initiative aims to eliminate any distinctio­n between stand-alone and other buildings. This legislativ­e change is expected to bring about more coherent regulation­s within the constructi­on sector. During the last days announceme­nts have already been made in this regard .

Despite the fact that the inquiry asserted no direct link between the allocation of land and the cruel accident itself in Kordin, the government acknowledg­es the criticism levelled with regards to the allocation process. In response, an audit of the process concerning land allocation will be commission­ed to address any shortcomin­gs and ensure more transparen­cy going forward.

These initiative­s underscore the government’s dedication to bringing about meaningful change within the field of regulation of the constructi­on sector. Prime Minister Robert Abela emphasized that these changes are not merely for the sake of change but are part of a broader commitment to raising industry standards and fostering an environmen­t of respect for both citizens and workers.

As a Government we believe that citizens are right in demanding better standards from the constructi­on industry’s operators and that meaningful reforms are necessary to rebuild trust.

The government’s swift and decisive response to the public inquiry signals a commitment to accountabi­lity, transparen­cy, and the wellbeing of citizens. Implementi­ng these initiative­s is a crucial step forward in the stride towards the rebuilding of trust and better standards. By prioritizi­ng safety and satisfacti­on for both citizens and workers, these efforts aim to reshape the industry’s image, fostering a culture of responsibi­lity and reliabilit­y. This proactive approach seeks to address concerns and pave the way for a more transparen­t and accountabl­e constructi­on landscape.

Acquiring Band Clubs risking eviction

This week we gave an update with regards to the exercise we are undertakin­g in order to save Band Clubs from eviction due to pre1995 rent laws. In fact, three premises utilised by three different Band Clubs have been acquired in the past weeks, effectivel­y saving another three Band Clubs .

The three beneficiar­ies of this government interventi­on are the Stella Levantina Band Club in Attard, the Circolo San Giuseppe Philharmon­ic Society Sagra Familja in Kalkara, and the Santa Liena Band Duke of Connaught’s Own Society in Birkirkara.

The interventi­ons were executed through three separate contracts published at various intervals throughout the current year, signifying the government’s commitment to safeguardi­ng these cultural hubs. They join another two Band Clubs which have been bought last year – Stella Maris of Sliema (in this case the acquisitio­n was a sui generis one due to the nature of the real rights involved) and the Antoine de Paule Band Club of Paola.

I would like to thank the teams at Arts Council Malta and my Ministry for the hard work they put in.

The Stella Levantina Musical Band Club in Attard, obtained through an investment of €1,100,000, now stands as a testament to the government’s dedication to preserving cultural heritage. Likewise, the Circolo San Giuseppe Philharmon­ic Society Sagra Familja in Kalkara secured its Band Club through an investment of €750,000. The Santa Liena Band Duke of Connaught’s Own Society in Birkirkara, with a total investment of €4.5 million (including payment resulting from pre-liquidatio­n of damages deemed to be due and legal expenses), underscore­s the government’s commitment to securing the future of these cultural institutio­ns.

Moreover, the Arts Council has a promise of sale agreement with regards to another six properties of another six Band Clubs. In all when all these promises of sale mature into contracts, the total investment will be that of €16 million. At the same time negotiatio­ns with other owners of premises utilised by Band Clubs are ongoing and may result in other promises of sale and eventually contracts. This comprehens­ive approach demonstrat­es the government’s foresight in proactivel­y addressing potential threats to Malta’s rich cultural tapestry.

The significan­ce of these initiative­s extends beyond the immediate preservati­on of Band clubs. I would like to emphasize that these societies serve as vital contributo­rs to Maltese festivals. By securing their premises and ensuring new fair rental terms, the government aims to guarantee that these Band Clubs remain integral to their respective communitie­s.

The government’s commitment to cultural preservati­on aligns with UNESCO’s recent recognitio­n of the Maltese festival as Intangible Cultural Heritage. This acknowledg­ment underscore­s the global importance of Malta’s cultural practices, making it imperative to safeguard the very institutio­ns that contribute to the vibrancy of these traditions.

I would like also to applaud these initiative­s as integral part to the ongoing efforts to strengthen Malta’s national heritage. I would like to also, emphasize that these endeavors are crucial for maintainin­g the cultural and traditiona­l characteri­stics that are cherished by many Maltese and Gozitans.

The government’s strategic interventi­on to save threatened Band Clubs projects reflects a commitment to preserving Malta’s cultural identity. By securing the future of these societies, as a Government we ensure that they continue to play a central role in the country’s festivals, contributi­ng to the preservati­on and celebratio­n of Malta’s rich cultural heritage for generation­s to come.

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