Malta Independent

Voluntary organisati­ons given around €1 million in funds for 87 community projects


Around €1 million in funds have been allocated to voluntary organizati­ons to implement 87 new projects throughout this year, a statement by the Inclusion Ministry read.

These funds are part of the Voluntary Organizati­ons Project Scheme (VOPS) and the Small Initiative­s Scheme (SIS), administer­ed and led by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector (MCVS).

The statement read that the selected projects range from those focusing on inclusion through music and arts, inclusive sports projects for children with disabiliti­es, infrastruc­tural projects within community buildings, research, and a wide variety of other projects, including those related to culture, environmen­t, and education.

Over 700 projects have been implemente­d through these two schemes since their establishm­ent, with funds totalling €7.8 million, it said.

The grants to voluntary organizati­ons were presented by Inclusion Minister Julia Farrugia

Portelli, alongside the Chairperso­n of the MCVS Gertrude Buttigieg, the CEO of MCVS, Mauro Pace Parascanda­lo, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry Nancy Caruana, and Commission­er for Voluntary Organizati­ons Jesmond Saliba.

Farrugia Portelli emphasized the importance of these schemes in providing assistance to voluntary organizati­ons, highlighti­ng that they are crucial for them to implement projects in our communitie­s.

“Government recognizes the need for a strong voluntary sector, as it believes it is a fundamenta­l pillar in our society, so schemes like SIS and VOPS will remain robust over time,” she said.

Farrugia Portelli said that society as a whole benefits from every project emerging from these funds.

Apart from the many schemes that government supports on a regular basis, Farrugia Portelli said that government is determined to make volunteers’ lives easier through laws that continue to reduce excessive bureaucrac­y.

Buttigieg congratula­ted the organizati­ons that successful­ly applied for these funds to implement their projects.

She assured her listeners that the Council would continue to assist these organizati­ons and oversee the implementa­tion process to ensure that funds are used for the benefit of both the associatio­n and society.

Pace Parascanda­lo mentioned how the competitio­n for these funds continues to increase, and how projects of quality are being selected for the community’s benefit.

More informatio­n can be found at All voluntary organizati­ons eligible for the funds, including those under VOPS and SIS, are registered and compliant with the Commission­er for Voluntary Organizati­ons.

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