Malta Independent

Mini reshuffle as PM transfers employment portfolio to Byron Camilleri


Less than two months after carrying out a Cabinet reshuffle, on Wednesday Prime Minister Robert Abela shifted responsibi­lity of the employment portfolio from Clyde Caruana to Byron Camilleri.

The decision, a government statement said, is intended to consolidat­e and coordinate the management of foreign workers in Malta better.

The Identita and JobsPlus entities are now under one ministry, which will be named the Home Affairs, National Security and Employment Ministry.

The statement said that for months, the government has been taking direct action to strengthen the control its entities have. The step taken today is primarily intended to improve this coordinati­on.

The employment sector will continue to grow on the foundation­s laid by Minister Clyde Caruana, the statement said.

As a conseqence of this, reforms and equality have been moved from Camilleri’s responsibi­lity to Chris Fearne’s, with parliament­ary secretary Rebecca Buttigieg remaining in her place, but under a different minister.

Fearne is now named Minister for European Funds, Equality, Reforms and Social Dialogue.

On 6 January, Prime Minister Abela had carried out several changes in the responsibi­lities of his ministers.

PN reaction

The mini-reshuffle that the Prime Minister announced today shows that he lacks confidence in Minister Clyde Caruana, whose responsibi­lity of employment was passed on to Byron Camilleri, the Nationalis­t Party said.

This is yet another confirmati­on of the disputes that exist between Abela and Caruana, the PN said.

It also means that Abela is reactive and lacks direction, the PN said.

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