Malta Independent

Marathon world record‑holder Kelvin Kiptum, who was set to be a superstar, has died in a car crash


Marathon world record‐holder Kelvin Kiptum, who was set to be a superstar of long‐distance run‐ ning and was a top contender for gold at the Olympics in Paris this year, was killed along with his coach in a car crash in Kenya.

Their vehicle was the only one involved in the crash late Sunday and Kiptum was driving when it veered off a road and into a ditch before hitting a tree, police said.

Kenya's Kiptum was 24 and one of the most exciting prospects to emerge in road run‐ ning in years, having broken the world record in only his third ap‐ pearance in an elite marathon. His record, set at last year's Chicago Marathon, was ratified by internatio­nal track federation World Athletics just last week.

His death reverberat­ed through Kenya, where runners are the biggest sports stars. Kenyans have also gotten used to tragic tales involving their top athletes after a number have died in road crashes, other accidents and do‐ mestic violence cases.

"He was only 24," Kenyan Pres‐ ident William Ruto said in a statement offering his condo‐ lences. "Kiptum was our future."

Kiptum and his Rwandan coach, Gervais Hakizimana, were killed in the crash at around 11 p.m., police said. It happened near the town of Kaptagat in western Kenya, in the heart of the high‐altitude region that's renowned as a training base for the best distance runners from Kenya and across the world.

Kiptum was born and raised in the area.

A third person, a 24‐year‐old woman, was also in the car and was taken to a hospital with se‐ rious injuries, police said. Kip‐ tum and Hakizimana died at the scene.

Athletes and family members, including Kiptum's father, gath‐ ered at the hospital mortuary where the bodies of Kiptum and his coach were taken. One of the athletes, former women's stee‐ plechase world champion Milcah Chemos, struggled to speak while breaking down in tears.

"I have no words to explain the loss of Kelvin," she said.

Kenneth Kimaiyo, a friend of Kiptum, said he arrived at the crash scene soon after it hap‐ pened and Kiptum had been thrown out of the car. Photos showed the silver car with a badly mangled roof and the windshield crushed flat.

Kiptum was the first man to run the marathon in under 2 hours, 1 minute in an official race when he set the world record of 2:00.35 in Chicago in October, beating the mark of fellow Kenyan and marathon great Eliud Kipchoge, who is the reign‐ ing two‐time Olympic champion.

Kiptum and Kipchoge were ex‐ pected to provide an enticing all‐ Kenyan battle for marathon gold in Paris and Kiptum was due to start his season at the Rotterdam Marathon in April, which would have been his first event since breaking the world record.

"An athlete who had a whole life ahead of him to achieve in‐ credible greatness," Kipchoge said in a message paying tribute.

World Athletics President Se‐ bastian Coe was one of the first to offer his condolence­s in a statement on X, formerly Twit‐ ter.

David Rudisha, Kenya's two‐ time Olympic champion in the 800 meters, wrote on X that Kip‐ tum's death was "a huge loss."

Kiptum had immediate success by running the fastest time ever by a marathon debutant at the 2022 Valencia Marathon. The fol‐ lowing year, he won the London and Chicago races, two of the most prestigiou­s marathons in the world. He set a new course record at the London Marathon last April and then became the fastest marathoner in the world months later.

While young and new to the cir‐ cuit, he had already run three of the seven fastest marathon times ever recorded and was seen as a rare talent. But he was also the latest Kenyan star to die in dev‐ astating circumstan­ces.

David Lelei, an All‐Africa Games silver medalist, died in a car crash in 2010. Marathon runner Francis Kiplagat was among five people who were killed in a crash in 2018. Nicholas Bett, who won gold in the 400 meter hur‐ dles at the 2015 world champi‐ onships, also died in a car crash in 2018.

Rudisha, former 10,000 meters world champion Moses Tanui and Olympic silver medalist Paul Tergat have all survived serious road accidents in the East African country.

Samuel Wanjiru, the 2008 Olympic marathon champion who was also tipped to be an all‐ time great, died in 2011 at the age of 24 after falling from a bal‐ cony at his home in Kenya.

Kenyans were perhaps most shocked when Agnes Tirop, a multiple cross‐country world champion, was stabbed to death in her home in 2021, allegedly by her husband. He was charged with murder.

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