Malta Independent

Hibernians, Luxol and Melita win Under 17 Knock Out quarter finals

- VICTOR CIANGURA Fgura Hibernians

The Paolites were the better out‐ fit during the game as they cre‐ ated more scoring chances than Fgura who did not manage a shot at goal except from two free kicks.

They will now play the Semi Final on 21 April against Pieta who won 3‐1 against Floriana.

Fgura created the first actions without causing any problems to the Paolites rearguard. Matthias Pullicino served Deyan Zammit with a through ball and a defender cleared the ball to a corner.

Ryan Mizzi was fouled outside the area, Wayne Cohen served Dylan Zahra with a through ball from the free kick and the ball was cleared to a corner by a Hibs de‐ fender and Andrija Jovanovic served Kayde cutajar with a through ball in the area and Hibs keeper Carlos Camilleri foiled him with a timely sortie.

Hibs opened the score in the 17th minute when Elyas Grioli was served with a cross pass from the left flank and after his shot from outside the area was cleared to a corner which was taken by Andreas Rizzo, Noah Camilleri scored with a low shot from inside the area.

Hibs resumed with their press‐ ing as Grioli was fouled in midfield and from Luke Debono's free kick the ball was cleared away with difficulty.

The score became 2‐0 in the 26th minute when Grioli served Craig Jean Deguara with a perfect cross in the area from the right flank and he netted with a beauti‐ ful header from inside the area giving Fgura keeper Zak Anastasi no chance to save.

The pressure from Hibs was in‐ cessant as they created two more actions. Matthias Tabone served Deisler Vella on the right flank who after advancing Anastasi saved his low drive and minutes later he saved a grounder by Grioli after dribbling past an opponent outside the area.

In the 38 th minute Hibs scored a third goal when the ball from a corner kick by Lyon Abela was cleared to another corner and after the flag kick by the same pa‐ lyer Andrea Callus scored with a low drive from inside the area.

Most of the actions after the restart were created by Fgura without causing much problems to the Hibs solid defence and mid‐ field as Hibs relaxed their press‐ ing being sure of the result. From a Jovanovic corner kick the ball was headed away without and dif‐ ficulty.

Dylan Zahra served Kayden Cu‐ tajar with a through ball in the area and Hibs keeper Carlos Camilleri, who had a very quiet Sunday morning, foiled him with a timely sortie, he also neutralise­d the ball from a cross pass from the right flank by Pullicino.

In a Hibs attack in the 64th minute substitute Dyzel Gatt Brin‐ cat served Abela with a square pass inside the area and he missed the upright by inches, and in an action by Fgura the ball was eas‐ ily cleared away following a flag kick by substitute Jordi Grech.

In the last action before the end by Hiibs Grioli was fouled on the edge of the area and from the same player's free kick the ball missed the bar by inches.

Semi Finals will be played on 21 April 2024 Hibs vs Pieta and Melita vs Luxol. The Final will be played on 12 May 2024

Fgura: Z. Anastasi M. Pullicino, W. Cohen, A. Jovanovic, M. Agius, K. Cutajar (J.Grech), D. Zammit (S. Sciriha), D. Zahra, A. Abdilla Lauro, R. Mizzi, J. Cassar (A. Demanuele)

Hibs: C. Camilleri, N. Camilleri, A. Callus, L. Debono, E. Grioli, L. Abela, A. Rizzo (L. Fenech), M. Tabone, D. Vella (D. Gatt Brincat), C.J. Deguara, S. Attard (J. Bartolo)

Referee: Matthew Pace

Results of the other Quarter Finals are: Luxol 3 Mosta 2, Melita 4 Sliema W 1

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