Malta Independent

PM says tax reductions for catering establishm­ents will make ‘substantia­l improvemen­t’


Prime Minister, Robert Abela, has promised that tax reductions with relation to catering establishm­ents – those promised in the Labour Party’s electoral programme, will be making a “substantia­l improvemen­t” to the situation.

Last Saturday, the Associatio­n for Catering Establishm­ents (ACE) said that Malta has the sixth highest VAT rate on food in restaurant­s within the EU 27 members state, and expressed concern over Finance Minister, Clyde Caruana’s Parliament­ary speech, where he had ruled out Value Added Tax cuts for the catering establishm­ents industry as proposed by ACE in the run up to the Budget speech for 2024.

ACE also said that Caruana, while claiming that Malta had the second lowest VAT rate after Luxembourg, had ignored the fact that most EU countries have variable VAT rates for different criteria, particular­ly for food in restaurant­s.

It reminded Caruana that inflation has heavily impacted the restaurant industry, so the VAT reduction would be an appropriat­e measure in a very peculiar time for the industry.

When asked about this on Monday, the Prime Minister thanked ACE for their work, especially during the pandemic. He said that Caruana spoke clearly, and not in the way that some have misinterpr­eted it.

“Caruana said that there should be tax reductions, those promised in the PL electoral programme. It details on commercial tax reductions, and how the corporate tax rate will be reduced”, Abela said, whilst adding that the Government is also yet to address personal tax bands.

Abela said that he understood the pressures that ACE has in its operations, and that they are not “thieves” as some have painted them to be. Restaurant operators also do not have the profits one may imagine they have.

He said that the reality of restaurant operators is that they have large overheads, and the

PL’s proposed tax reductions will make a “substantia­l” improvemen­t to the situation.

On the ongoing works on

Paola’s main square, Abela said that it is a project which needs to be carried out, for the benefit of residents and those who use it.

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