Malta Independent

Sannat Lions football pitch inaugurate­d


The Sannat Lions Football pitch was inaugurate­d on Saturday.

All this is part of the sustainabi­lity of member clubs in creating the perfect environmen­t with the best football facilities for kids to be further tempted into the beautiful game from a very young age.

In his speech, the Club’s President Teddy Bajada acknowledg­ed efforts by all stakeholde­rs, MFA, GFA, and the Government in their commitment and support leading up to this inaugurati­on of the new artificial turf and the club’s football facilities in Sannat.

This facility also includes seven new dressing rooms and other amenities all essential in the proper running of this football club, and to serve going forward as a venue in hosting GFA domestic competitio­ns.

Bajada affirmed that works are also being carried out in the supporters' stand, being the third phase of planned works at this football stadium.

Gozo FA President Dr. Samuel Azzopardi underlined that football in Gozo has a particular dimension where there is a fine line between dreams and reality.

Fourteen clubs struggle and face immeasurab­le challenges yet they always manage to succeed in making their dreams come true.

"Sannat Lions FC dreamt 15 years ago when they did the largest artificial turf pitch in

Gozo and again when they took the task some years ago to refurbish the entire stadium including a new pitch.

"We thank our mother associatio­n the MFA and its President Bjorn Vassallo and the government represente­d today by the Minister for Gozo for their steadfast commitment towards the beautiful sport in Gozo," Dr. Azzopardi concluded.

Malta FA President Bjorn Vassallo affirmed his delight on behalf of the Associatio­n to have assisted the GFA and its member club, Sannat Lions FC, in installing a new synthetic turf pitch in Gozo.

"This project was included in our strategic program, thus ensuring more availabili­ty of football facilities on our sister island."

He added, "It is part of our mission to ensure that football facilities managed by our members are well kept and serviced to acceptable standards, and through the agreement with the Ministry for Education and Sport, this is guaranteed and the desired standards are maintained.”

Concluding his speech, the MFA President also thanked all those involved and invited more community engagement through the nationwide facilities.

During the event, speeches were also delivered by the Minister for Gozo and Planning, Hon. Clint Camilleri, and the major of Sannat, Mr. Philip Vella.

 ?? ?? Photo: MFA
Photo: MFA

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