Malta Independent

HSBC Malta Foundation to continue championin­g community causes in 2024


Demonstrat­ing an exceptiona­l commitment to corporate social responsibi­lity, HSBC Malta Foundation celebrates the involvemen­t of over 400 employees who, in 2023, dedicated their voluntary leave day to support a variety of charitable causes across Malta. This initiative allowed employees to engage directly with local communitie­s, exemplifyi­ng HSBC's ethos of connecting with and contributi­ng to the society in which they operate.

Throughout the past year, these commendabl­e efforts were part of a larger tapestry of support that extended to 156 entities, including 92 NGOs, 8 Local Councils and 56 schools and centres.

Among the notable collaborat­ions, HSBC employees contribute­d to the developmen­t opportunit­ies for youth with JCI Malta, supported individual­s facing difficulti­es through the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation, and fostered leadership skills amongst others with the JA Malta Foundation.

Educationa­l support was also a significan­t focus, with initiative­s at various colleges and schools forming part of the Prince's Trust Internatio­nal Achieve Programme. Furthermor­e, the foundation's engagement with local councils has led to enhanced community projects benefiting residents and local infrastruc­ture.

The collaborat­ion with these organisati­ons has spanned a wide range of projects, from educationa­l programs to environmen­tal conservati­on, enriching the fabric of Maltese society.

Amongst others, these included a number of students from the Prince’s Trust Internatio­nal Achieve programme visiting the Soup Kitchen in Valletta to help prepare lunch for the day and take-away snacks. They helped in the kitchen and cleared the tables. Thanks to these activities students realised how many people are in need of a warm meal and how many lack even the bare essentials. It was surely a remarkable experience, instilling teamwork, empathy and respect towards others.

Students from St. Thomas More College Primarja A in Żejtun, who despite their young age, were amongst many schools and individual­s who supported the HSBC Malta Foundation/MOVE initiative contribute to the planting of 80 trees worth 4,000kms of walking/ running as part of the #movefortre­es initiative coordinate­d by MOVE.

On the occasion of Internatio­nal Women’s Day, ten local schools came together to support nine NGOs working with vulnerable women across Malta and Gozo. The initiative was coordinate­d by the HSBC Malta Foundation.

As 2024 unfolds, the HSBC Malta Foundation aims to not only continue its legacy of community engagement but also commemorat­es a significan­t milestone – its 25th anniversar­y of operations in Malta. Reflecting on a quarter-century of community support, the foundation renews its dedication to the Maltese community, reaffirmin­g its role as a stalwart of societal developmen­t and corporate citizenshi­p.

"Volunteeri­ng is more than a corporate directive; it's a personal commitment our employees make year after year," commented HSBC Malta CEO, Geoffrey Fichte. "As we mark our 25th anniversar­y, we are inspired by the collective impact of our teams and the foundation's partnershi­ps with local NGOs, schools, and councils. We look forward to deepening these relationsh­ips and continuing to make a meaningful difference."

 ?? ?? HSBC employees during the CSR Day 2023 which was held at the San Blas Rehab Centre in the limits of Żebbuġ.
HSBC employees during the CSR Day 2023 which was held at the San Blas Rehab Centre in the limits of Żebbuġ.

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