Malta Independent

Lowest unemployme­nt rate in the Eurozone

In the wake of recent economic data released by the European Union’s statistica­l office, Eurostat, it is worth noting that Malta has achieved yet another milestone in its economic journey.

- Owen bonnici

As of November, our nation boasts the lowest unemployme­nt rate among all Eurozone countries, standing at a remarkable 2.5%. This achievemen­t is a testament to the resilience and strength of our economy in the face of global challenges.

Eurostat’s latest figures reveal that Malta’s unemployme­nt rate in November outshone that of its European counterpar­ts, with Germany and the Netherland­s closely trailing behind. The significan­ce of this accomplish­ment becomes even more apparent when considerin­g the substantia­l gap between our unemployme­nt rate and the Eurozone’s average.

The economic prosperity enjoyed by Malta is further underscore­d by the stark contrast with other Eurozone countries, such as Spain, Greece, Sweden, Finland, and Italy, which recorded higher unemployme­nt rates during the same period. Our consistent track record in maintainin­g a low unemployme­nt rate is a testament to the effectiven­ess of our economic policies and the resilience of our workforce.

According to the National Statistics Office (NSO), released on Monday, Malta’s unemployme­nt rate has not only remained consistent­ly low but has also made history by maintainin­g the 2.5% mark, even in comparison to the previous month of October 2023. This demonstrat­es the stability and sustainabi­lity of our economic model, which continues to weather internatio­nal storms.

In a comparativ­e analysis, the NSO figures for November 2023 indicate a notable decline from the unemployme­nt rate recorded in November 2022, standing at 2.9%. This nearly half a percentage point reduction in just one year is a testament to the effectiven­ess of our ongoing efforts to foster economic growth and job creation.

Breaking down the unemployme­nt rates, it is noteworthy that both men and women in Malta have experience­d lower rates compared to the Eurozone average. Unemployme­nt among men stands at 2.3%, while the rate among women is slightly higher at 2.7%. These figures reflect the inclusivit­y of our economic policies, ensuring that opportunit­ies for employment are distribute­d equitably across gender lines.

It is essential to recognize that these remarkable achievemen­ts in the face of global challenges are not mere coincidenc­es but the result of strategic planning and diligent execution of economic policies. The recorded low unemployme­nt rate in a period marked by unpreceden­ted internatio­nal challenges, including the war in Ukraine and the Middle Eastern conflict, underscore­s Malta’s ability to navigate complex geopolitic­al landscapes.

Looking ahead, the economic forecast for Malta remains optimistic. The European Commission’s latest projection­s anticipate the highest economic growth in the European Union for our country in 2023 and the subsequent two years. Moreover, Malta is poised to maintain the lowest unemployme­nt rate among all EU member states, solidifyin­g our position as an economic success story in the region.

As we celebrate these achievemen­ts, it is crucial to acknowledg­e the efforts being done as a Government. The commitment to economic stability and growth has been a shared endeavor, and the results speak volumes about the resilience and determinat­ion of the Maltese people.

I cannot speak about jobs without speaking about increased opportunit­ies of employment in the creative sector. The commitment to artistic endeavours, spanning across film, literature, music, and visual arts, creates an environmen­t that fosters discovery and originalit­y. This investment in creative energy extends beyond the realms of the arts, permeating various sectors of our society. Over the past decade, from 2013 to 2023, employment in cultural and creative fields has more than doubled, according to data from the National Statistics Office (NSO).

In May 2023, a staggering 7,187 individual­s were registered as working in these sectors, with 4,245 engaged on a full-time basis and 2,942 on a part-time basis. This stands in stark contrast to 2013, when a total of 3,065 individual­s were employed in cultural and creative fields, comprising 1,818 full-time and 1,247 parttime positions. This exponentia­l growth demonstrat­es the success of our policies in creating sustainabl­e job opportunit­ies within the cultural and creative industries.

The government’s commitment to further bolster employment in this sector is evident through continued investment­s aimed at improving opportunit­ies and viability in cultural and creative roles. Notably, initiative­s such as the reduced tax rate of 7.5% for artists, leveraging income from their artistic endeavors, underline our dedication to supporting quality, sustainabl­e, and ‘green’ employment opportunit­ies. Additional­ly, the government has increased funding to the Malta Arts Council to assist artists through various schemes.

Looking ahead this also outlines a continued focus on the cultural sector. Additional investment­s will be made to enhance what has already been achieved in this area. One notable initiative is the introducti­on of an apprentice­ship scheme to engage artistic and creative interns on a full-time basis in the private and voluntary sectors. This initiative aims to foster collaborat­ion between artists and organizati­ons, providing time and resources for artists to work across various sectors.

To further elevate the status of artists, conditions of work will be improved, and awareness regarding the importance of artists will be heightened, not only in the cultural sphere but also in the economic domain. In the coming year, a charter outlining the status of artists will be introduced, laying the foundation for legislatio­n that reflects the principles derived from this charter.

At the local level, we are also investing in cultural management, with the employment of six cultural managers across various regions. This approach ensures that cultural initiative­s are well-coordinate­d and effectivel­y contribute to the growth of cultural activities throughout the country.

Malta’s commitment to the arts and culture is a testament to the government’s recognitio­n of their profound impact on our society. By fostering creativity, supporting artists, and strategica­lly investing in cultural initiative­s, we aim not only to preserve our rich heritage but also to propel Malta into a future where the arts are a thriving and integral part of our national identity. Culture and the arts serve as the pillars that capture the essence of our society, reflecting its values, history, and aspiration­s. Recognizin­g their pivotal role, the Maltese government has strategica­lly invested in the arts and culture, considerin­g them fertile grounds for innovation and creativity.

Malta’s lowest unemployme­nt rate in the Eurozone is a cause for celebratio­n and a testament to our nation’s economic prowess. As we continue on our path of economic prosperity, let us remain vigilant and adaptive to ensure sustained growth and prosperity for all. The collaborat­ive spirit that has brought us to this point will undoubtedl­y propel us forward into a future of continued success and resilience.

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