Malta Independent

Former MFSA CEO Joseph Cuschieri appointed as new Project Green CEO


Project Green has announced that former MFSA CEO Joseph Cuschieri will take over as the new CEO of the agency, succeeding Steve Ellul, who is now widely expected to declare himself as an MEP candidate for the Labour Party

“We have challengin­g and exciting times ahead and I am keen to keep building on the good work carried out by my predecesso­r Steve Ellul. Together with the team at Project Green, I will endeavour to develop and implement innovative and quality green projects which add value and a better environmen­t to the communitie­s in Malta and Gozo,” Cuschieri said in the announceme­nt.

Cuschieri served as the CEO of the Malta Financial Services Authority until 2020, when he resigned in the wake of a scandal where it was revealed that he had flown to Las Vegas with Yorgen Fenech in 2018, with the alleged mastermind behind the Daphne Caruana Galizia murder having paid for the trip himself.

He was found to have breached the MFSA’s ethics two days prior to his resignatio­n, although Cuschieri had expressed reservatio­ns as to whether he was in breach of the ethics framework referred to in the authority’s investigat­ion.

Cuschieri succeeds Steve Ellul, whose departure is now widely expected to open the way for him to contest the upcoming European Parliament elections from the Labour Party.

Ellul wrote on his Facebook page that his year leading Project Green was a “journey which that the agency had turned six football pitches’ worth of land around Malta into green spaces.

He thanked Environmen­t Minister Miriam Dalli, saying that under her guidance, a number of victories had been achieved in favour of open spaces in the country.

“Your courage is filling me with more energy and enthusiasm for what is to come,” he said.

Project Green said that Cuschieri is a Certified Public Accountant specialisi­ng in strategy formulatio­n, corporate finance and business developmen­t.

He also holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administra­tion from Henley Management College, UK and an Advanced Diploma in Management Accounting from the Chartered Institute of Management Accountant­s (CIMA), UK.

 ?? Joseph Cuschieri ?? gave me wonderful emotions and great satisfacti­ons,” adding
Joseph Cuschieri gave me wonderful emotions and great satisfacti­ons,” adding

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