Malta Independent

Prime Minister Robert Abela encourages Youth Advisory Forum to contribute ideas on national issues


In a meeting with the 10 young members of the Youth Advisory Forum on Wednesday, Prime Minister Robert Abela encouraged them to use the platform to contribute ideas on national issues for better results for the country.

Abela spoke during the Youth Advisory Forum meeting, whose members were selected following a public call.

Eight members of the forum were chosen through a selection process, while the representa­tive from the National Youth Council was appointed by the council itself. The 10 members of the first Youth Advisory Forum will be serving for a total of twelve months, aiming to contribute their place where the aspiration­s of Maltese and Gozitan youths can be reached.

He said that this new platform is the tool that will truly achieve this.

“The aspiration­s are common. Young people want to have good jobs; to live in a beautiful, clean country; to have quality time with the family; want a safe and tranquil country; and want a beautiful environmen­t,” Abela said.

He said that young people want a country at peace with its neighbours, in the surroundin­g region and globally.

Abela also spoke about the government’s work in the new year, and listed a series of completed projects and initiative­s which people are already benefiting from.

Abela referred to the results achieved by Wasteserv in recycling, where the country had a substantia­l reduction in unseparate­d waste in the black bag, and a phenomenal increase in separately collected organic waste.

In terms of irregular immigratio­n, in 2023 Malta saw more irregular immigrants relocated and returned than arrivals, he said.

The meeting continued with discussion­s among the Forum members on various topics they had raised. The compositio­n of the Youth Advisory Forum can be found on the official government website primeminis­

 ?? ?? ideas on national issues, and not just those affecting young people.
Abela said that Malta is the
ideas on national issues, and not just those affecting young people. Abela said that Malta is the

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