Malta Independent

Bayern Munich mourning death of much‑loved club icon Franz Beckenbaue­r, the man who won it all


The emperor is dead, long live the emperor.

Bayern Munich is mourning the death of "der Kaiser" Franz Beckenbaue­r, at the age of 78, the soccer great who led it through its golden era and ar‐ guably did more than anyone to shape the club into what it is today.

"Without Franz Beckenbaue­r, FC Bayern would never be what it is today," former teammate and later the club's chief execu‐ tive Karl‐Heinz Rummenigge said. "Beckenbaue­r has shaped German soccer like no other."

"Our emperor is dead," Ger‐ many's best‐selling tabloid Bild said on its front page on Tues‐ day.

As an elegant player, successful coach and distinguis­hed presi‐ dent over six decades, Becken‐ bauer helped turn Bayern from a modest club in the shadow of 1860 Munich into a global pow‐ erhouse, by far Germany's most successful.

And it all started with a slap. Born in the working‐class Mu‐ nich district of Giesing, the highly‐talented Beckenbaue­r was set to join 1860, the team he supported as a child, after play‐ ing in a youth tournament for boyhood club SC Munich 1906.

But Beckenbaue­r's team was pitted against 1860's youth side in the final. He got into a dis‐ agreement with one of his oppo‐ nents, who allegedly struck him in the face when the referee wasn't looking.

Irate, the young player decided to snub 1860 and join city rival Bayern's youth setup instead. It was 1959.

He was promoted to the first team in 1964 and helped steer his club to Bundesliga promo‐ tion the following year. Aided by teammates Gerd Müller and Sepp Maier, Beckenbaue­r led Bayern into third place in its first season, then in 1969 claimed the first of the club's 32 German league titles.

Bayern previously won the German championsh­ip in 1932 but had to wait for Becken‐ bauer's arrival before enjoying its golden era.

As captain, he claimed four Bundesliga titles with Bayern, three straight European Cups from 1974 to 1976, four German Cups and the 1976 Interconti‐ nental Cup.

He led West Germany to the 1974 World Cup title, two years after winning Euro 1972. He twice won the Ballon d'Or.

And he did it all with elegance, style and grace.

He scored 55 goals in 539 games for Bayern, a remarkable tally for a defender.

As coach, he led the club to the Bundesliga title in 1994 and the UEFA Cup in 1996, both after taking over late in the season – the club had turned to Becken‐ bauer in its hour of need. He pre‐ viously led West Germany to the World Cup crown as coach in 1990.

He later served as Bayern's president and again played a vital role in steering the club to success. He is remembered in Munich for a speech in which he blasted the players after a defeat to Lyon in the Champions League in 2001. The team went on to win the title.

"The biggest personalit­y that FC Bayern ever had," honorary president Uli Hoeneß said. "No‐ body will ever reach him. People can say they saw football in the times of Franz Beckenbaue­r. He was a friend to me, a unique companion, and a gift to us all."

Beckenbaue­r won admirers and made friends across the world of soccer – and beyond. He used his charm and was in‐ strumental in bringing the 2006 World Cup to Germany, albeit amid bribery allegation­s.

He denied the accusation­s and his popularity never wavered among Germans, who loved him on and off the field. Many felt Beckenbaue­r was simply a win‐ ner who did what he needed to do in a flawed bidding process. His compatriot­s always excused his transgress­ions.

"He is forgiven for everything because he's got a good heart, he's a positive person and he's always ready to help. He doesn't conceal his weaknesses, doesn't sweep his mistakes under the carpet," former Bayern mid‐ fielder Paul Breitner once said of his teammate.

Beckenbaue­r died on Sunday. The tributes have been exten‐ sive since the family announced his death on Monday. A book of condolence­s is to be opened on Wednesday.

Bayern plans to illuminate its stadium with the words "Thank you Franz" every evening up to and including the team's next game against Hoffenheim on Fri‐ day, when more tributes can be expected.

"You were always a beacon, now you'll be shining from above," former teammate Sepp Meier wrote in an open letter. "German soccer and I will really miss you. Farewell, my friend."

 ?? ?? Munich's Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter signs the book of condolence for the late Franz Beckenbaue­r in Munich, Germany
Munich's Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter signs the book of condolence for the late Franz Beckenbaue­r in Munich, Germany

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