Malta Independent

Prime Minister meets with rapporteur for the EU and the future of the Single Market


Prime Minister Robert Abela met with Enrico Letta, rapporteur for the EU and the future of the Single Market, at Castille on Monday, where the PM said that all EU citizens should enjoy the benefits of the single market without there being any distinctio­ns or disadvanta­ges.

Abela highlighte­d the importance of connectivi­ty for countries on the periphery of the EU, like Malta, while also mentioning the need for conditions ensuring equality in the Single Market, including in terms of unobstruct­ed access to medicines. Abela said that in the pharmaceut­ical sector, regulatory issues need to be addressed to ensure fair access to medicines for everyone. Abela also highlighte­d the need to safeguard the competitiv­eness of small and medium enterprise­s.

Prime Minister Abela highlighte­d the need for better legislatio­n that considers the impact on each Member State and considers everyone’s needs in the impact analysis. He mentioned the recent environmen­tal legislatio­n, such as the European FIT for 55 Directive and the Mobility Package, with part of the latter recently declared in the opinion of the Advocate General before the Courts of the European Union as a mistake that needs to be nullified. Therefore, the Prime Minister said that there is a need for a better legislativ­e process that considers the particular cases of Member States like


Abela said that flexibilit­y in support from states in critical sectors like transport, digital connectivi­ty and energy remains important, as does the respect towards national competence in taxation policy. The Prime Minister also noted the importance of respecting the European principle of a free services market so that the European Union can be competitiv­e in other areas like gaming.

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