Malta Independent

Franz Beckenbaue­r, who won the World Cup both as player and coach for Germany, has died at 78


Franz Beckenbaue­r, who won the World Cup both as player and coach and became one of Ger‐ many's most beloved personali‐ ties with his easygoing charm, has died. He was 78.

Beckenbaue­r's death was first announced through a statement from his family to German news agency dpa and then confirmed by the German soccer federation.

"It is with deep sadness that we announce that my husband and our father, Franz Beckenbaue­r, passed away peacefully in his sleep yesterday, Sunday, sur‐ rounded by his family," the family said in its statement. "We ask that we be allowed to grieve in peace and be spared any questions."

The statement did not provide a cause of death. The former Bayern Munich great, who became affec‐ tionately known as the "Kaiser" — or "Emperor" — had struggled with health problems in recent years.

Beckenbaue­r was one of German soccer's central figures. As a player, he reimagined the de‐ fender's role in soccer and cap‐ tained West Germany to the World Cup title in 1974 after it had lost to England in the 1966 final.

He was the coach when West Germany won the tournament again in 1990, a symbolic moment for a country in the midst of re‐ unificatio­n, months after the Berlin Wall fell.

"The 'Kaiser' was one of the best players our sport has ever seen," German soccer federation presi‐ dent Bernd Neuendorf said. "With his lightness, his elegance and his vision, he set standards on the field. ... Franz Beckenbaue­r leaves a great legacy for the federation and soccer as a whole."

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz wrote on social media that Beck‐ enbauer "inspired generation­s of enthusiasm for German soccer. We will miss him."

Beckenbaue­r's death comes just two days after the announceme­nt that Mario Zagallo, the Brazilian who became the first person to win the World Cup as a player and coach, had died at the age of 92. The only other person to achieve that feat is France's Didier De‐ schamps.

Beckenbaue­r was also instru‐ mental in bringing the highly suc‐ cessful 2006 World Cup to Germany, though his legacy was later tainted by charges that he only succeeded in winning the hosting rights with the help of bribery. He denied the allegation­s.

"We did not want to bribe any‐ one and we didn't bribe anyone," Beckenbaue­r, who headed the World Cup organizing committee, wrote in his last column for daily tabloid Bild in 2016.

Beckenbaue­r and three other members of the committee were formally made criminal suspects that year by Swiss prosecutor­s who suspected fraud in the true purpose of multi‐million euro (dollar) payments that connected the 2006 World Cup with FIFA. But he was eventually not indicted in 2019 for health reasons and the case ended without a judgment when the statute of limitation­s ex‐ pired in 2020 amid delays to the court system caused by the coro‐ navirus pandemic.

Beckenbaue­r was in 2014 briefly suspended by FIFA's ethics com‐ mittee from all football‐related ac‐ tivity for failing to cooperate with prosecutor Michael Garcia's probe of alleged corruption in the 2018 and 2022 World Cup votes. The suspension was lifted during the 2014 World Cup in Brazil when he agreed to cooperate.

The allegation­s damaged Beck‐ enbauer's standing in public per‐ ception for the first time. Until then, Beckenbaue­r had seemingly been unable to say or do anything wrong. Germans simply loved him.

"He did everything that a Ger‐ man is not supposed to do," for‐ mer Bayern Munich teammate Paul Breitner once said of the man popularly known as "Der Kaiser."

"He got divorced, he left his chil‐ dren, took off with his girlfriend, got into trouble with tax collec‐ tors, left his girlfriend again.

"But he is forgiven for every‐ thing because he's got a good heart, he's a positive person and he's always ready to help. He doesn't conceal his weaknesses, doesn't sweep his mistakes under the carpet," Breitner said.

The son of a post official from the working‐class Munich district of Giesing, Beckenbaue­r became one of the greatest players to grace the game in a career that also included stints in the United States with the New York Cosmos in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

Born on Sept. 11, 1945, months after Germany's surrender in World War II, Beckenbaue­r stud‐ ied to become an insurance sales‐ man but he signed his first profession­al contract with Bayern when he was 18.

Beckenbaue­r personaliz­ed the position of "libero," the free‐roam‐ ing nominal defender who often moved forward to threaten the opponent's goal, a role now virtu‐ ally disappeare­d from modern football and rarely seen before his days.

An elegant, cool player with vi‐ sion, Beckenbaue­r defined as cap‐ tain the Bayern Munich side that won three successive European Cup titles from 1974 to 1976.

In his first World Cup as player in 1966, West Germany lost the final to host England as Becken‐ bauer chased Bobby Charlton

around the field having been given the task of marking the Eng‐ land standout.

Four years later, with his arm strapped to his body because of a shoulder injury, Germany lost a memorable semifinal to Italy.

Finally, in 1974 at home, Beck‐ enbauer captained West Germany to the title.

Beckenbaue­r left Bayern for New York in 1977 and later re‐ called fondly the time spent in the United States.

"From Munich‐Giesing to New York City, that was a huge step," Beckenbaue­r said.

Beckenbaue­r said the decisive step in luring him to the Cosmos was the helicopter ride the club officials gave him from the roof of the Pan Am Building across Man‐ hattan to the Giants stadium in New Jersey.

"That was then the most modern stadium in the world, with VIP boxes. We didn't have that in Eu‐ rope. As we flew over the stadium, I told them, 'Fine, stop it, I am coming.'"

In that 2010 interview, Becken‐ bauer also recalled visits to famed nightclub Studio 54 with fellow Cosmos stars Pele and Carlos Al‐ berto.

Beckenbaue­r missed the 1978 World Cup because the Germans decided not to invite players play‐ ing abroad. He returned to Ger‐ many in 1980, spent two seasons with Hamburger SV — and won another Bundesliga champi‐ onship, his fifth — before return‐ ing for a final season at the Cosmos.

Although he had never coached before, Beckenbaue­r was hired to revive West Germany in 1984 after a flop at the European Cham‐ pionship.

West Germany made it to the final of the 1986 World Cup, los‐ ing to Diego Maradona's Ar‐ gentina in Mexico City. Although West Germany failed to win the 1988 Euros title at home, it went to the final of the 1990 World Cup and defeated Argentina in the final in Rome, another highlight in the year after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The penalty goal came from An‐ dreas Brehme, a defender Beck‐ enbauer had once told to "play the piano, play the flute but not foot‐ ball."

While his team celebrated, Beck‐ enbauer cut a lonely figure walk‐ ing and reflecting at the Olympic Stadium.

Later, at the news conference, he said he was "sorry for the rest of the world" because a united Ger‐ many would be unbeatable for years to come. But Germany had to wait 24 years before winning another World Cup title.

Once he left for New York, Beck‐ enbauer never had a home in Mu‐ nich. He lived just across the border in the Austrian Alpine re‐ sort of Kitzbuehel, where taxes were lower.

Beckenbaue­r was a voracious traveler and personally visited all 31 countries who had qualified for the World Cup in Germany in 2006.

Beckenbaue­r said he got the urge to travel as a child by collect‐ ing pictures for a sticker album. "There were photos from Africa, America. It got me interested ... but I never thought I'd experience it personally."

"There are many who travel but who see nothing because they are too busy. I was always curious."

Beckenbaue­r retired from the West Germany job after coaching the team to the 1990 World Cup triumph.

The Berlin Wall had fallen the year before and Germany was in the process of reunifying after the Cold War. The final was the last tournament game played by a West Germany‐only team.

He didn't have much success at coaching Marseille, but won the Bundesliga title with Bayern in 1994 and the UEFA Cup in 1996, both after taking over as coach late in the season. He later became Bayern's president, until leaving most functions when he turned 65 in 2010.

Beckenbaue­r's legal issues around the 2006 World Cup con‐ tinued into his retirement, but he remained a much‐loved figure in German soccer and society.

 ?? ?? West German national football team captain Franz Beckenbaue­r, second from right, embraces his team mate, forward Juergen Grabowski while walking around the Olympic stadium, after West Germany beat the Netherland­s 2‑1 in the Football World Cup Final game at the Olympic Stadium in Munich, Germany, on July 7, 1974. He captained West Germany to the World Cup title in 1974. He also coached the national side for its 1990 World Cup win against Argentina. (AP Photo, File)
West German national football team captain Franz Beckenbaue­r, second from right, embraces his team mate, forward Juergen Grabowski while walking around the Olympic stadium, after West Germany beat the Netherland­s 2‑1 in the Football World Cup Final game at the Olympic Stadium in Munich, Germany, on July 7, 1974. He captained West Germany to the World Cup title in 1974. He also coached the national side for its 1990 World Cup win against Argentina. (AP Photo, File)
 ?? ?? West Germany captain Franz Beckenbaue­r holds up the World Cup trophy after his team defeated the Netherland­s by 2‑1, in the World Cup football final at Munich's Olympic stadium, in West Germany, on Jul. 7, 1974. (AP Photo, File)
West Germany captain Franz Beckenbaue­r holds up the World Cup trophy after his team defeated the Netherland­s by 2‑1, in the World Cup football final at Munich's Olympic stadium, in West Germany, on Jul. 7, 1974. (AP Photo, File)
 ?? ?? German football legend Franz Beckenbaue­r, head of Germany's organising committee for the football World Cup, plays with the Golden Ball for the World Cup in front of the Brandenbur­g Gate in Berlin, on April 18, 2006. Beckenbaue­r was one of German football’s central figures. (AP Photo/Jan Bauer, File)
German football legend Franz Beckenbaue­r, head of Germany's organising committee for the football World Cup, plays with the Golden Ball for the World Cup in front of the Brandenbur­g Gate in Berlin, on April 18, 2006. Beckenbaue­r was one of German football’s central figures. (AP Photo/Jan Bauer, File)
 ?? ?? Captain of the 1974 World Cup team from West Germany, Franz Beckenbaue­r, left, football star Pele, center, and Bobby Moore, captain of England's 1966 World Cup football team pose for a picture in the Plaza Hotel in New York, Sept. 27, 1977. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)
Captain of the 1974 World Cup team from West Germany, Franz Beckenbaue­r, left, football star Pele, center, and Bobby Moore, captain of England's 1966 World Cup football team pose for a picture in the Plaza Hotel in New York, Sept. 27, 1977. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

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