Malta Independent

Gozo has seemingly establishe­d itself as a Christmas Island, Gozo Tourism Associatio­n CEO says


Malta’s sister island has seemingly establishe­d itself as something of a Christmas Island, the CEO of the Gozo Tourism Associatio­n told The Malta Independen­t as domestic tourism appeared to boom over the holidays.

With the Christmas and New Year’s festivitie­s over, The Malta Independen­t reached out to Joe Muscat, the CEO of the Gozo

Tourism Associatio­n, to gauge how the tourism sector fared throughout the holidays and what the near future is expected to hold.

“It seems that Gozo has establishe­d itself as a Christmas island,” Muscat said. He continued that from the indication­s available, the Christmas holidays were a “good period for the tourism sector,” where the island saw a good number of visitors, both foreign and local. He said that the mix seemed to be “around 40% foreign and 60% domestic” – meaning that the majority of visitors were Maltese.

The GTA CEO explained that the holidays were a period where the festivitie­s resulted in a long weekend, as Christmas and the New Year both fell on a Monday. Long weekends are typically busy periods for the hospitalit­y and tourism sectors, especially during holidays.

He said that the visitors seemed to have a sizeable number of attraction­s where they could spend their time. He added that the GTA noted that whenever people visited its website, Island of Gozo, there seemed to have been a greater interest in the activities being organised on the island throughout the holidays. “We saw a great number of visitors on the website searching for activities to experience during this period.”

“All in all, it was a busy period for the tourism industry,” he said. “Being an island, no matter how much you do to limit seasonalit­y, you still have that period where you suffer a little, and the month of December helps us and helps strengthen the tourism sector.”

Regarding restaurant­s, he said that a comment the GTA has gotten from them is that there has been a slight decrease in the spending per capita, being “a little less than what they are used to.” He said that there are various reasons for this, “one of the principal reasons being that obviously, inflation is having its impact on everyone’s spending power.”

The Malta Independen­t asked Muscat about how Gozo is preparing for the upcoming Carnival festivitie­s, which will take place on the weekend between 9 and 11 February. He replied that it is “good to a certain extent” that the period where the tourism industry is more relaxed has reduced, as immediatel­y following December and January they are faced with Carnival, “which is then basically immediatel­y followed by Valentine’s Day.”

He continued that this means that the sector will not have the long break that it usually has between Christmas and Carnival, and so “the sector will still be trained per se throughout this period.”

It has recently been announced that one of the four Gozo Channel ferries, the MV Malita, will be out of service throughout January for dry-dock maintenanc­e, and so this newspaper asked Muscat how Gozo will be affected by this temporary lack of a fourth ferry.

“Obviously Gozo cannot go on without its fourth ferry,” he said, going on that the fourth ferry is a necessity and one of these ferries being docked significan­tly affects the island’s connectivi­ty and accessibil­ity.

He concluded by saying that the GTA hopes that the fourth ferry will be available for the Carnival period, and that it is important that the island is able to work with all four of the ferries whenever there is a long weekend.

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