Malta Independent

Japan and ASEAN bolster ties at summit focused on security, economy amid China tensions


Leaders from Japan and the Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations, at a special summit on Sunday marking their 50th anniversar­y of friendship, adopted a joint vision that emphasizes security and economic cooperatio­n while respecting the rule of law amid growing tensions with China in regional seas.

Ties between Japan and ASEAN used to be largely based on Japanese assistance to the developing economies, in part due to lingering bitterness over Japan’s wartime actions. But in recent years the ties have focused more on security amid China’s growing assertiven­ess in the South China Sea, while Japan’s postwar pacifist stance and trust-building efforts have fostered friendlier relations.

The leaders, in a joint statement, called for strengthen­ing their “mutually beneficial” partnershi­p and working together for peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific. They also called to pursue greater prosperity for the region and to promote people exchanges among the younger generation­s, Kishida told a joint news conference with Indonesian President Joko Widodo, this year’s ASEAN chair.

“We affirm the shared view to promote a rules-based Indo-Pacific region that is free and open (and) embraces key principles such as ASEAN’s unity and centrality, inclusiven­ess (and) transparen­cy,” according to the joint statement.

The leaders stressed “respect for sovereignt­y and territoria­l integrity, settlement of difference­s or disputes by peaceful means and renunciati­on of the threat or use of force,” but without identifyin­g China.

The leaders adopted an implementa­tion plan for 130 projects. Japan called to step up cooperatio­n in security and defense, while reinforcin­g support for efforts in climate change and investment, including in the region’s automotive industry, he said.

“As divisions and confrontat­ions deepen and the world faces compounded crises, Japan will tackle the issues together with ASEAN, which is the linchpin of a ‘free and open Indo-Pacific,’” Kishida said. “Based on our mutual trust, we will tackle new issues, and contribute to peace and prosperity of the region in order to create a world where people can benefit while their dignity is respected.”

Japan adopted a new security strategy last year and has been rapidly building up its military and expanding its military partnershi­ps to better counter China’s growing assertiven­ess in the region.

On Saturday, on the sidelines of the Dec. 16-18 summit, Kishida held a series of bilateral talks as Japan seeks to step up bilateral security ties with ASEAN countries.

Kishida and his Malaysian counterpar­t, Anwar Ibrahim, signed a 400 million yen ($2.8 million) deal to bolster Malaysia’s maritime security capability. It is a new Japanese official security assistance program specifical­ly for militaries of friendly nations to help strengthen their law enforcemen­t and security capabiliti­es.

The assistance includes provisions of rescue boats and other equipment to help improve the military capability of Malaysia, which sits at a crucial location on sea lanes connecting the Indian Ocean and East Asia and serves a vital role in warning and surveillan­ce operations for the entire region.

Separately on Saturday, Kishida signed a deal with Widodo, offering a grant of up to 9.05 billion yen ($63.7 million) to fund Indonesia’s maritime security capability advancemen­t plan and includes a Japanese-built large-scale maritime patrol boat.

In November, Japan announced a provision of coastal surveillan­ce radars to the Philippine navy, and the two

sides also agreed to start talks for a key defense pact called the Reciprocal Access Agreement designed to smooth their troops’ entry into each other’s territory for joint military exercises.

Later that month, Japan and Vietnam agreed to elevate the status of their relationsh­ip to a top-level comprehens­ive strategic partnershi­p, under which they will discuss details of a possible deal to broaden their defense cooperatio­n.

But ASEAN countries are not in lockstep in their stance toward China, with which many

have strong ties and are reluctant to choose sides. Japanese officials say they are mindful of the situation and not trying to get them to choose sides.

Japan also hopes to push forward energy cooperatio­n with

ASEAN leaders at a summit for the Asian Zero Emission Community initiative planned for Monday, when Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is expected to join online.

 ?? ?? Indonesian President Joko Widodo, left, and Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida attend at joint chairperso­ns’ press announceme­nt following the meetings of ASEAN-Japan Commemorat­ive Summit in Tokyo Sunday, Dec. 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko, Pool)
Indonesian President Joko Widodo, left, and Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida attend at joint chairperso­ns’ press announceme­nt following the meetings of ASEAN-Japan Commemorat­ive Summit in Tokyo Sunday, Dec. 17, 2023. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko, Pool)
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