Malta Independent

MCAST launches the 5th Edition of the Research & Innovation EXPO


The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) together with the College's Applied Research and Innovation Centre (ARIC), kick-started the fifth edition of the MCAST Research & Innovation EXPO. The EXPO will run on campus in Paola till the 15 December 2023.

The EXPO aims to foster an integrated environmen­t, where academic exploratio­n aligns with industrial innovation. This initiative promoted research projects that are not only groundbrea­king, but also directly translate into practical applicatio­ns that benefit both academia and the industry.

Speaking during the event, Minister for Education, Sport, Young People, Research and Innovation, Clifton Grima, said that, "It is a privilege to see the developmen­t of the College's research hub over the past years. The Government has prioritise­d its investment in research and innovation, recognisin­g that this will continue to make us competitiv­e. Today's EXPO serves as an opportunit­y to celebrate success. It also serves as a platform for sharing new ideas, and encouragin­g partnershi­ps and visions of a future where innovation leads to tangible results for the benefit of society."

The 50 presentati­ons showcased at EXPO 23 encompass six thematic areas, reflecting a wide spectrum of research fields. These initiative­s are aligned with ARIC's collective research objectives, aimed to promote the advancemen­t of applied research and sustainabl­e innovation throughout MCAST.

During the EXPO, a panel discussion exploring the potential and challenges of conversati­onal AI in education and research was held. Researcher­s also provided presentati­ons about the topic of education and sustainabi­lity through EdTech and CleanTech, and vocational education and entreprene­urship, offering innovative insights.

MCAST Principal and CEO, Professor Joachim James Calleja, highlighte­d the importance and significan­ce of the research EXPO stating that, "Showcasing our research is part of the attraction to further projects focusing on issues of relevance to the quality of life of Maltese citizens. MCAST research increasing­ly focuses on sustainabl­e water irrigation, artificial intelligen­ce and learning technologi­es, nursing, the creative arts, aquatic and animal research, space science, childhood obesity, climate change, urban mobility, operations logistics and supply chain management. We aim to feed into the vocational degree courses at Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral levels and in the needs of industry with innovative ideas for sustainabl­e futures. The College aims at creating a community of vocational scholars that provide research-evidenced solutions to the well-being and developmen­t of our population."

Moreover, four workshops addressing diverse topics, including hydration promotion across the lifespan, effective research project management, benthic species annotation and adult educator toolkits for front-line workers engaging with young people were organised during the event.

Around 150 participan­ts registered for the EXPO. During the event the importance of fostering interactio­n and dialogue among researcher­s, participan­ts, academia and industry experts, to cultivate an environmen­t conducive to active discussion­s and networking was emphasized.

MCAST Director for Research and Innovation, Dr Lorna Bonnici West, said that, "The projects and initiative­s presented at this year's EXPO under six different thematic areas aim to pave the way for a more resilient Community. The Expo also offers an opportunit­y for new collaborat­ions, and the formation of new research ideas."

During the second day of the research EXPO, academics, students and industry partners will participat­e in several discussion sessions, covering a wide variety of subjects including, vocational education and entreprene­urship, creative arts research, social sciences, healthrela­ted studies, concerns related to food, and strategies for cultivatin­g sustainabi­lity in natural ecosystems.

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