Malta Independent

Malta Young Sailors Club set to host 23rd Edition of Mapfre Euromed Internatio­nal Championsh­ips

ILCA Europa Cup to be hosted for the first time in Malta


Originatin­g as a local Optimist sailors' Christmas regatta, the Euromed Regatta has evolved into an annual internatio­nal re‐ gatta, now celebratin­g its 23rd edition. Little did the Malta Young Sailors Club anticipate that what began as a modest event would transform into a globally recognised competitio­n, expanding to include the ILCA Class.

From the 16th to the 19th of December, Malta is poised to host approximat­ely 200 sailors hailing from 30 countries, all set to compete in the Optimist and ILCA Classes. Notably, the ILCA Class participan­ts will engage in the Europa Cup, a series of regat‐ tas held across various European locations. As the culminatin­g event on this year's calendar, the Europa Cup trophy promises an exhilarati­ng on‐water battle, marking the culminatio­n of the internatio­nal sailing season.

Optimist Class

The Optimist Class stands as the internatio­nally recognized single‐handed sailing boat de‐ signed for participan­ts under the age of 16. Over the years, the Re‐ gatta has been a stage for nu‐ merous sailors who have left an indelible mark on sailing history. In 2016, Marco Gradoni emerged as the Regatta's champion. Now, at 19, Gradoni holds the distinc‐ tion of being the first Optimist sailor in history to clinch three consecutiv­e World Champi‐ onship titles, establishi­ng him‐ self as the youngest recipient ever of the Rolex World Sailor of the Year Award. In his remark‐ able sailing journey, Gradoni has continued to make waves, re‐ cently contributi­ng as one of the helmsmen on the Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli team, securing sec‐ ond place in the second prelimi‐ nary event of the 37th America’s Cup. Vying to repeat last year’s performanc­e, is Joan Domingo, who secured victory in the 2022 edition and clinched the 5th po‐ sition in the highly competitiv­e 2023 Regatta of Champions. Among our homegrown talents, Thomas Wilson, the reigning Maltese National Champion, is poised to join the starting line amidst a field of nearly 100 par‐ ticipants.

EurILCA Europa Cup

The EurILCA Europa Cup, which will see its conclusion in Malta has attracted notable par‐ ticipants eager eager to secure crucial points. In the ILCA 4 cat‐ egory, Semen Sokol (UKR) and Archie Munro‐Price (GBR) emerge as the frontrunne­rs in the race for the 2023 Europa Cup Overall Trophy, with Sokol currently topping the leader‐ board.

Local challenger­s, featuring Timmy Vassallo—Malta's reign‐ ing National Champion, who transition­ed from a highly suc‐ cessful Optimist career—along‐ side Katrina Micallef and Max Busuttil, are poised to present a formidable challenge in Mel‐ lieha. Engaging in close competi‐ tion, these homegrown talents consistent­ly push each other to the limit in every regatta, inject‐ ing an exciting and dynamic ele‐ ment into the overall competitio­n.

"What began as a modest local regatta has evolved into an in‐ ternationa­lly recognised event, attracting sailors from around the globe. The significan­ce of these regattas cannot be over‐ stated. They not only continuall­y position our small island at the forefront of dinghy sailing but also serve as a crucial avenue for providing internatio­nal racing opportunit­ies right in our home waters. The growth and recogni‐ tion of this regatta underscore its vital role in promoting both our local sailing community and the broader spirit of internatio­nal competitio­n on the seas sur‐ rounding our island." Com‐ mented Christian Bajada, Commodore, Malta Young Sailors Club.

The 23rd Edition of the Mapfre Euromed Championsh­ips is sup‐ ported by Mapfre Insurance, PWC Malta, Yachting Malta, Eye‐ tech, Greens, Mdina Glass, Munchies, RLR Yachting.

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