Malta Independent

Surveillan­ce powers should be curbed immediatel­y - David Casa


We do not have to wait for any European legislatio­n for Labour’s politician­s to surrender their power to spy on our citizens, PN MEP David Casa insisted.

Casa was reacting to news that the Maltese Government was lobbying for a broadly worded exception to allow spying on journalist­s in the context of ongoing negotiatio­ns on the EU’s Media Freedom Act.

“Right now in Malta politician­s are able to approve warrants for the intercepti­on of citizens’ communicat­ions without judicial approval or oversight. This state of affairs is all the more worrying in the context of the rule of law collapse Malta has experience­d over the last years”.

“The public inquiry into the assassinat­ion of Daphne Caruana Galizia has already indicated that it is time to change the way that warrants for surveillan­ce are issued. This vulnerabil­ity whereby the Minister of the Interior and the Prime Minister have the power to surveil citizens must cease,” Casa said.

Casa said that when it comes to journalist­s, the situation is all the more delicate and sensitive.

“If surveillan­ce is allowed, then it must come with the most stringent and robust safeguards that protect the crucial principle of the protection of sources and the necessity not to interfere with their investigat­ive work.

“However we know all too well the abysmal track record of the current Maltese Government when it comes to respect for journalist­s.

“Government should act immediatel­y to change the relevant law and in the meantime, it should withdraw its support for a broad text within the European Media Freedom Act that would allow for surveillan­ce on journalist­s for undefined national security interests.”

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