Malta Independent

Malta should not legitimise unconditio­nal spying on journalist­s – Daphne Foundation


In violation of its obligation to implement measures to protect journalist­s following its own failure to prevent Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassinat­ion, Malta is underminin­g the first European law aimed at protecting media freedom, the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation said in a statement on Wednesday.

The purpose of the European Media Freedom Act is to protect journalist­s and media institutio­ns, including by prohibitin­g state surveillan­ce of journalist­s, their families, and employees. Yet, Malta is supporting the inclusion of a clause authorisin­g the surveillan­ce of journalist­s in the EU in the name of national security, the Foundation observed.

The relevant legal clause includes the following broad derogation: “This Article is without prejudice to the Member States’ responsibi­lity for safeguardi­ng national security”. In other words, under the proposed law, when a Member State perce its national security threatened, surveillan­ce becomes legal. The legal text allows Member States to spy on journalist­s in circumstan­ces that are undefined and does not provide safeguards against abuse.

Even if no abuse of the proposed law occurs, in Malta journalist­s’ sources will not be protected by the version of the EMFA that the Maltese government supports.

The Security Services Act, which covers surveillan­ce for national security, does not specifical­ly protect journalist­s’ sources, one of the “basic conditions for press freedom” as determined by the European Court of Human Rights: “Without such protection, sources may be deterred from assisting the press in informing the public on matters of public interest. As a result the vital publicwatc­hdog role of the press may be undermined, and the ability of the press to provide accurate and reliable informatio­n be adversely affected.”

Therese Comodini Cachia, who runs the Foundation’s legal clinic for journalist­s, said: “Safeguardi­ng national security through surveillan­ce could only be justified, on a case-by-case basis, on matters unrelated to journalist­s’ work and which do not result in access to journalist­s’ sources, and then only if there are relevant and sufficient reasons to substantia­te the intrusion as necessary in a democratic society and as directly related to the protection of national security which is restrictiv­ely interprete­d.”

Malta should withdraw its support for the current proposal to legitimise the surveillan­ce of journalist­s in the EU and must ensure that journalist­s and their sources are properly protected, the foundation said.

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