Malta Independent

Ann Fenech included in Lloyds List of shipping’s 100 most influentia­l people


On Thursday, the Malta Maritime Forum congratula­ted Dr Ann Fenech on her inclusion, once again, amongst the Lloyds List Shipping Industry’s most influentia­l people.

Typically, in its 2023 Edition Fourteen, The Lloyds List One Hundred People includes owners of the world’s largest fleets, box port operators, technology leaders, maritime lawyers, ship managers, and shipbroker­s, amongst others.

This is yet another remarkable achievemen­t by the Forum’s active Board Member and cofounder in a long list of milestones accomplish­ed throughout her career, including having been elected as the first female President of the Comité Maritime Internatio­nal (CMI) in October 2022, the forum said.

In fact, the same publicatio­n credits Dr Fenech with having “helped to raise the profile of the CMI” since becoming its first woman President. It also credits Dr Fenech for her sterling work in serving as the CMI co-ordinator at the United Nations Commission on Internatio­nal Trade Law, which deliberate­d the convention on the Internatio­nal Effects of Judicial Sales of Ships and seeing it through until it was signed by 15 countries at a ceremony in Beijing last September which she herself was invited to address.

Commenting on the Lloyds List commemorat­ive publicatio­n, Fenech acknowledg­ed the importance of policy makers to reaching out to industry leaders who, in turn, are to work closely with their government­s to seek positions that are vital for the Industry and the common good.

This is yet another proud moment for Dr Fenech, for the Malta Maritime Forum and for Malta, the statement said.

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