Malta Independent

Price of whole milk, other dairy products to rise again from 22 December


Malta Dairy Products Ltd. announced Thursday that, effective Friday 22 December, 2023, there will be an adjustment in the prices of its fresh milk products to “reflect the current significan­t increases in production and operationa­l costs”.

This is the second time that the price of milk products is increasing this year. Last June, MDP had increased the price of its products for the same reasons.

But, whereas the price increase in June had been minimal, this time the price has gone up by sharper proportion­s - by 15c for one litre cartons of whole milk, 2.5% fat milk, skimmed milk and lactose free milk.

Over the past five years, Malta Dairy Products said it has been dedicated to maintainin­g stable prices for its fresh milk products despite facing escalating costs in supplies, raw materials, and services.

This commitment was made amidst challenges posed by economic fluctuatio­ns, as the company said it absorbed mounting expenses to prevent their direct impact on the selling price.

However, despite implementi­ng various cost-saving measures, such as streamlini­ng operations and optimising production processes, the significan­t increase in input costs has not been fully offset.

The sustained rise in production and operationa­l costs has reached an unsustaina­ble point for the company’s operations.

After careful considerat­ion, Malta Dairy Products said it finds it imperative to adjust prices accordingl­y to ensure the company’s sustainabi­lity while securing a favourable future for local farmers and its workers.


A company spokeperso­n said: “While it’s never an easy decision to adjust prices, it has become essential for us to maintain competitiv­eness and sustain the quality standards that our customers have come to expect. We sincerely appreciate the understand­ing and continued loyalty of our customers during this transition. Their support has been invaluable as we navigate these tough challenges.”

The adjustment in prices of fresh milk will be as follows:

* Malta Dairy Products Ltd. recommends a consumer price for all its products. It is up to every retail outlet to decide on the selling price of its products.

Malta Dairy Products remains committed to providing high-quality, locally sourced, pasteurize­d milk products that meet stringent quality standards. The forthcomin­g price adjustment will enable the Company to continue delivering on this commitment while ensuring the viability of its operations.

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