The Sun (Malaysia)

Dialog Group Bhd


- Maybank


outlay of RM250 million, estimated IRR of ~13%. The first 100k m3 is dedicated (take-or-pay) to EcoCeres (on the heels of its recent announceme­nt on its RM1 billion investment in a new biofuel production facility in Johor) and the remaining 50k m3 is expected to be leased to other customers such as multinatio­nal companies and trading houses. Based on the following assumption­s: i) tank-terminal rates of SG$7.5/m3/month; ii) annual incrementa­l 3% inflation-adjusted growth on the tanktermin­al rates; iii) capex outlay of RM250 million for the expansion; iv) debt-to-equity funding ratio of 65:35; v) EBITDA margin of 80%; vi) tax rate of 24%; vii) a lease till 2048, we estimate an IRR of ~13%.

EcoCeres’s new production facility is expected to be operationa­l in 2H’25 and is located <1km from DTL 3 with direct connection to DTL 3’s storage tanks via pipelines. The biorefiner­y has an annual capacity of 350k tonnes and it will produce Sustainabl­e Aviation Fuel (SAF) and Hydrotreat­ed Vegetable Oils (HVO) – which will be stored in Dialog’s tank terminals. Dialog will undertake the EPC portion for the expansion and our new TP is factoring in a completion by Q1’27.

ChemOne, the master developer of Pengerang Energy Complex, has confirmed that execution works have commenced (link) to build a 6.5m MTpa facility. The estimated total capex stands at about US$5 billion. We think that Dialog may benefit from both/either: i) EPCC/sub-contractin­g works for the facility; or ii) the need for tank terminals for storage of products after the completion of PEC (estimated 2027).

Our TP is lifted to RM3.17. Maintain BUY. –

Investment Bank, July 30

 ?? ?? Source: Maybank Investment Bank
Source: Maybank Investment Bank

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