The Sun (Malaysia)

S’pore to make it easier to prosecute money launderers

Home Ministry to tighten customer due diligence requiremen­ts for casinos


SINGAPORE: The government is seeking to make it easier for law enforcemen­t to prosecute money laundering offences, Singapore’s Home Affairs Ministry said, noting how currently some cases are not pursued unless it is possible to show the complete money trail of suspected funds from money laundering entering the Asian financial hub.

The new Anti-Money Laundering and Other Matters Bill introduced to Parliament yesterday will remove the need for the prosecutio­n to show a direct link between the criminal conduct and the laundered funds, the ministry said in a press release.

“It will be sufficient for the prosecutio­n to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the money launderer knew or had reasonable grounds to believe that he was dealing with criminal proceeds,” said the ministry, adding this would help in the prosecutio­n of money mules when funds laundered had initially passed through bank accounts and intermedia­ries in foreign jurisdicti­ons.

Last year, Singapore busted a US$2.24 billion (RM10.58 billion) money laundering ring run by foreign citizens, with the last of 10 offenders sentenced on June 10.

The criminals held money gained from overseas scams and overseas online gambling in bank accounts in Singapore and converted some into real estate, cars, handbags and jewellery.

Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said last month Singapore faces greater money laundering and terrorism financing risks than other countries because it is an internatio­nal finance and business hub.

Since the money laundering case emerged last year, the government has set up an inter-ministeria­l panel to review its anti-money laundering regime.

The new Bill will also allow law enforcemen­t to investigat­e money laundering offences linked to overseas environmen­tal crimes.

Currently, Singapore cannot investigat­e money laundering linked to crimes such as illegal mining, illegal waste traffickin­g and illegal logging that occur overseas because such crimes are not covered as a serious offence under Singaporea­n law since they typically do not apply in the landscarce city-state.

The Bill also makes it easier for law enforcemen­t to sell seized or restrained properties, and deal with seized properties linked to suspects who have fled the country.

The ministry said it will also tighten requiremen­ts for casino operators to conduct customer due diligence, bringing down the threshold of a single cash transactio­n involving S$10,000 (RM34,700) or more or S$5,000 or more in a deposit to transactio­ns and deposits involving at least S$4,000.

Last month, Singapore published a national asset recovery strategy report, saying it sought to “deprive criminals of their illicit gains, thereby removing the financial incentive for laundering their monies in Singapore”. – Reuters

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