The Sun (Malaysia)

IOI Properties Group Bhd

Neutral. Target price: RM2.47

- Source: RHB Research

board of directors has received a letter of proposal from Group CEO and substantia­l shareholde­r Lee Yeow Seng to participat­e in the joint developmen­t of Shenton House in Singapore. Lee, via his private company Shenton 101, successful­ly bid for Shenton House with a considerat­ion of S$538 million (RM1.87 billion) in Nov 2023.

The property is located in Singapore’s central business district (CBD), which spans 3,377 sqm and is zoned as “commercial” with a gross plot ratio (GPR) of 11.2. The current land lease of Shenton House has approximat­ely 44 years left, with the potential to be extended to a fresh 99-year lease. Furthermor­e, according to Singapore’s CBD incentive scheme, Shenton House is eligible for a 25% bonus GFA which can be redevelope­d into a mixed-use commercial project with residentia­l redevelopm­ent or a hotel at a GPR of 14.

As such, Shenton House is earmarked for redevelopm­ent into a fresh 99-year leasehold commercial developmen­t. The current additional existing capital commitment (excluding developmen­t costs) is S$476 million, including a land betterment premium, lease top-up premium, and transactio­n expenses. The proposal is valid for four months and may be extended by another two months. Lee and his brother Datuk Lee Yeow Chor have abstained from voting on the proposal.

The total cost of S$1.014 billion (S$538 million + S$476 million) works out to S$1,900psf per plot ratio – which is considered reasonable when compared to S$1,700psf per plot ratio for the Central Boulevard land acquired by IOIPG in 2016.

NEUTRAL with new RM2.47 TP.

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