The Sun (Malaysia)

Moscow nuclear ready for AI era


Russia’s top diplomat for arms control said on Tuesday that Russia had made advances in nuclear deterrence that would allow it to ensure its security for decades to come even in an era dominated by advances in Artificial Intelligen­ce.

Asked at a conference in Moscow if Russia could ensure nuclear security in an era of AI competitio­n, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said it could.

“In recent years, such groundwork has been done in the field of nuclear deterrence that will allow us to ensure our own security for decades to come,” said Ryabkov, Russia’s arms control point man.

Ryabkov also oversees relations with the US, which diplomats in both countries say are at their lowest point since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis due to a confrontat­ion over the conflict in Ukraine.

He warned that if the West underestim­ated Moscow’s resolve, it could lead to “tragic and fatal” consequenc­es because the US and its allies were confrontin­g a major nuclear power.

He said the West underestim­ated Russia’s readiness to stand up for itself and ensure its own interests in any situation.

He said Russia had the resources to convey signals to the West in the field of nuclear deterrence but there was a danger the West could make a mistake.

“Our common task is to prevent the world and the multipolar world, above all, from sliding into nuclear chaos,” Ryabkov said.

Earlier, Alexei Arbatov, a prominent arms control expert, suggested that without dialogue on strategic stability between Russia and the US, then the multi-polar world could slide into nuclear chaos. – Reuters

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