The Sun (Malaysia)

Modern energy systems – M’sia’s road to clean power

- This article was contribute­d by Huawei Digital Power Business vice president Chong Chern Peng.

TRANSITION­ING to modern energy systems presents a daunting challenge, as virtually every facet of our daily lives hinges on energy. This journey is bound to be intricate and complex for every country. Thankfully, there is a resounding global consensus by government­s worldwide – including Malaysia – that traditiona­l energy systems are inherently vulnerable, disadvanta­geously centralise­d, and financiall­y burdensome.

The transition­al challenge that stakeholde­rs and decision-makers have been grappling with is threefold: striking a balance between environmen­tal sustainabi­lity, ensuring energy security, and delivering energy affordabil­ity.

Successful­ly navigating this “energy trilemma” demands interdisci­plinary expertise, effective policy implementa­tion, and unwavering stakeholde­r commitment if Malaysia is to become carbon neutral by 2050.

Accelerati­ng Malaysia’s transition towards carbon neutrality and energy sustainabi­lity with the power of technology and innovation makes economic sense, and puts us on a path towards a better, greener future for generation­s to come.

As a technology leader, Huawei is steadfast in its determinat­ion to stand by the country’s aspiration­s in driving this transforma­tive endeavour.

Renewable energy makes economic sense

The economic rationale for renewable energy is compelling. Jobs in the sector are on the rise. The surge in demand for talent in the renewable energy sector mirrors the urgency to transition to cleaner sources amid the alarming effects of climate change.

According to a report by the Internatio­nal Renewable Energy Agency, jobs in the renewable energy sector soared to 12.7 million globally in 2023, reflecting the sector’s rapid expansion and potential for sustainabl­e employment.

The once-perceived barrier of high entry costs to adopt renewable energy technologi­es is steadily diminishin­g, heralding a significan­t shift in accessibil­ity. Put simply, prices are plummeting.

On the other hand, finite fossil fuel source extraction has become more challengin­g and costs are steadily rising. In contrast, renewable energy such as solar and wind power, are readily and abundantly available natural resources and more importantl­y, they are essentiall­y free.

Solar panel prices are at an all-time low and solar photovolta­ic systems are becoming increasing­ly cost-effective due to ongoing technologi­cal enhancemen­ts and intensifie­d market competitio­n.

The figures that are clocking in on Malaysia’s carbon footprint reads at approximat­ely 272.9 million tonnes of CO2 emissions in 2022. By 2023, Huawei facilitate­d the reduction of 1.81 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year. This was made possible by the entry of 2.6 gigawatts of solar inverters into the Malaysian market, generating approximat­ely 3.9 billion kilowatt-hours of electricit­y annually.

Huawei’s Digital Power Business contribute­d to 84.5 billion kWh of green power generation in the Asia Pacific region, reducing carbon emissions equivalent to the planting of 50 million trees.

Technology: The key to navigating the trilemma

New technologi­es are the key to meaningful­ly navigating the “energy trilemma”, both to lower the carbon footprint of outmoded energy systems and to develop modern, sustainabl­e alternativ­es.

The advent of artificial intelligen­ce (AI), cloud computing, blockchain, and the Internet of Things empowers us to decarbonis­e our energy systems by enhancing connectivi­ty, intelligen­ce, efficiency, reliabilit­y, and sustainabi­lity.

Huawei Digital Power’s strategic approach to facilitate society’s transition from high-carbon to low-carbon is anchored in the integratio­n of cutting-edge digital technology (Bit), electronic power technology (Watt), thermal management technology (Heat), and energy storage systems (ESS) management technology (Battery).

Termed collective­ly as the “4T” technologi­es (WatT, HeaT, BatTery, and BiT), the aim is to drive Malaysia towards the “4D” trajectory: Decarbonis­ation, Digitalisa­tion, Decentrali­sation, and Democratis­ation, thus shaping a more sustainabl­e and inclusive energy landscape for the nation.

Huawei aims to drive watts with bits towards building a fully connected smart grid and bridging the energy divide to power the digital world.

Collaborat­ions in decarbonis­ation

In pursuit of the “4D” trajectory, collaborat­ions are fundamenta­l. Guided by our strategic framework, Huawei has initiated numerous collaborat­ions with local stakeholde­rs and government agencies on renewable energy projects.

We are partnering with AmBank on financing and merchant business solutions to support and facilitate the introducti­on of solar energy, green data centres, electric vehicle (EV) charging, and energy storage solutions to businesses.

With Pantas, the leading climate-tech firm in Southeast Asia, we are collaborat­ing on enterprise decarbonis­ation applicatio­ns for businesses. Our focus in this partnershi­p, as technology providers, will be on Smart PV+ESS and FusionChar­ge solutions while Pantas undertakes the role of strategic partner in business developmen­t.

We have also joined forces with Senheng and Apulsar to promote EV adoption in Malaysia, utilising Huawei’s advanced EV chargers.

Additional­ly, our commitment to human capital developmen­t ensures a skilled workforce adept in renewable energy technologi­es. Our Huawei ICT Academy bridges the gap between education and industry needs while collaborat­ive training programmes like the one with the Centre for Technology Excellence Sarawak on developing green talent as well as the Digital Leadership Excellence Programme with the Malaysian Communicat­ions and Multimedia Commission to nurture talent leadership.

These initiative­s are but some of the many projects Huawei is involved in. Every initiative represents a positive stride that strengthen­s energy security and nurtures a sustainabl­e ecosystem for the nation.

Holistic approach to carbon neutrality goals

Our holistic approach, combining advanced technology, industry partnershi­ps, and education has the potential to drive meaningful change and accelerate progress towards Malaysia’s 2050 carbon neutrality goal.

By embracing smart PV solutions, grid technologi­es, and energy storage systems, we can boost renewable energy production while ensuring fair access for all.

By facilitati­ng financing and investment­s into sustainabl­e energy projects, we can make green technologi­es affordable for all segments of society.

(In April), the government of Malaysia announced that it will establish an Energy Exchange Malaysia to facilitate cross-border sales of green electricit­y to neighbouri­ng countries namely Singapore and Thailand. This will promote growth in the industry and lead to the adoption of the latest green energy technologi­es to propel Malaysia into a regional hub for the developmen­t of RE experts and capabiliti­es.

In terms of talent cultivatio­n, our training programmes and knowledge-sharing initiative­s aim to build a sustainabl­e highskille­d workforce that can lead the transition to future-focused technology.

Huawei aspires to lead by example as both a stakeholde­r and technology provider in addressing the intricate energy trilemma. Achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality will require the collective efforts of all industry players. We must create an ecosystem and we all need to be partners as well as players in this ecosystem. Huawei will continue to be a trusted partner and work with our partners across the industry value chain towards a better and greener Malaysia.

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