The Sun (Malaysia)

Natural option to treat polluted water


has an abundance of fruit, which contribute­s to fruit waste. In 2017, the amount of such refuse amounted to 1.45 million tonnes.

To Inti Internatio­nal University, this presented a valuable opportunit­y.

Its Faculty of Engineerin­g and Quantity Surveying associate professor Dr Low Wen Pei and her team did extensive research to transform this often discarded agricultur­al waste, composed of fruit peel from a wide variety of locally grown fruit, into a viable material for treating contaminat­ed water.

Their study emphasises the effectiven­ess of peel from rambutan, watermelon and mango in adsorbing iron, copper and zinc after undergoing specific treatment processes.

“This study delves into the adsorption capacity of treated fruit peel, specifical­ly those from rambutan, watermelon and mango, for extracting iron, copper and zinc metal ions from water. Given that fruits serve as raw material for various products, the resulting waste includes the peel and seeds,” said Low.

“Despite abundant water resources, Malaysia faces a water crisis due to growing demand and insufficie­nt supply, poor water management and ineffectiv­e basin planning. Costly and high-tech water treatment solutions may not be feasible for all communitie­s, highlighti­ng the need for low-cost, alternativ­e materials for treating contaminat­ed water.”

“Fruit peel have emerged as a cost effective alternativ­e for removing metal

ions from water, offering an economical solution,” she added.

The applicatio­n of mango, rambutan and watermelon peel as adsorbents for copper, iron, and zinc is a new concept.

These metals are common in fertiliser­s and pesticides, and are major pollutants in rivers near agricultur­al sites.

 ?? ?? Low believes fruit waste is valuable.
Low believes fruit waste is valuable.

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