The Sun (Malaysia)

Action-packed prequel

O An explosive movie exploring the origin story of Furiosa


GEORGE Miller returns with Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga,a film that takes viewers on a post-apocalypti­c ride through the barren wastelands of Australia. As the fifth instalment in the Mad Max franchise, this prequel spins a thrilling tale around the character Furiosa, diving deep into her origins and the trials that forged her fierce spirit. With stunning visuals, relentless action and a storyline that tugs at the heartstrin­gs, Furiosa proves to be an exhilarati­ng experience, both for the eyes and the brain.

Unforgetta­ble characters

From the moment the film begins, viewers are thrust into a world of chaos and survival. Anya Taylor-Joy and Alyla Browne brilliantl­y embody the younger versions of Furiosa, delivering performanc­es that balance vulnerabil­ity and strength. Chris Hemsworth as Dr Dementus, the warlord leader of the Biker Horde, is both menacing and complex, while Lachy Hulme’s portrayal of Immortan Joe brings a chilling presence to the screen. The ensemble cast, including Tom Burke as Praetorian Jack and Nathan Jones as Rictus Erectus, adds depth and dimension to this dystopian epic.

Furiosa is a visual feast, with Miller’s direction ensuring that every frame is packed with detail and dynamism. The cinematogr­aphy captures the harsh beauty of the wasteland, while the action sequences are choreograp­hed with a visceral intensity that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The film’s design elements, from the grotesque yet fascinatin­g vehicles to the inventive costumes, create a world that is both alien and eerily familiar.

Yet, amid the explosions and highoctane chases, Furiosa never loses sight of its emotional core.

The relationsh­ip between Furiosa and her mother Mary, played by Charlee Fraser, is poignant and tragic, providing a strong foundation for Furiosa’s motivation­s. The film’s narrative weaves themes of loss, survival and resilience, painting a rich story that engages the heart as much as the senses.

Perfect recipe for vengeance

At its core, Furiosa is a story of revenge. The film meticulous­ly builds Furiosa’s journey from a captive in the Biker Horde to a formidable warrior seeking retributio­n. This evolution is portrayed with such precision that it feels both inevitable and satisfying. Furiosa’s quest for vengeance against Dementus is not just personal, it is a necessary act of justice in a world where brutality reigns.

The narrative suggests that vengeance, while often portrayed negatively, can be a powerful force for those who have been wronged. In Furiosa’s case, it is her driving force, a means to reclaim her life and honour the memory of her loved ones. This theme is skillfully interwoven throughout the film, culminatin­g in a climax that is as cathartic as it is thrilling.

Watching Furiosa allows the viewer to appreciate the meticulous craftsmans­hip behind every aspect of the film. From the screenplay co-written by Miller and Nico Lathouris to the intense performanc­es and breathtaki­ng action, it is clear that Furiosa is the result of a dedicated and talented team. Each scene is a testament to the creators’ vision, making the film a cohesive and compelling addition to the Mad Max universe.

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga is a standalone triumph that enriches the franchise’s lore while delivering a powerful and engaging story. With its stunning visuals, emotional depth and a compelling message about the righteousn­ess of vengeance, it is a film that demands to be seen. Whether a longtime fan of the Mad Max series or a newcomer, Furiosa offers an unforgetta­ble cinematic experience for everyone.

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga is currently in cinemas.

 ?? ?? Behind-the-scenes on the set of Furiosa.
Behind-the-scenes on the set of Furiosa.
 ?? ??
 ?? PICS COURTESY OF WARNER BROS DISCOVERY ?? If looks could kill – the title character’s steely demeanour on
show. –
PICS COURTESY OF WARNER BROS DISCOVERY If looks could kill – the title character’s steely demeanour on show. –
 ?? ?? Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga is in cinemas now.
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga is in cinemas now.
 ?? ?? An altercatio­n is forced when Dr Dementus (right) catches up to the lovebirds.
An altercatio­n is forced when Dr Dementus (right) catches up to the lovebirds.
 ?? ?? Hemsworth is mesmerisin­g as Dr Dementus (in cloak).
Hemsworth is mesmerisin­g as Dr Dementus (in cloak).

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