The Sun (Malaysia)

CelcomDigi Bhd

Outperform. Target price: RM5.97



Q1'24 core net profit of RM534 million (+97% YoY) tracked expectatio­ns – coming in at 26% of our full-year forecast and the consensus estimate. CDB declared Q1'24 DPS of 3.5 sen (Q1’23: 3.2 sen), which was within our expectatio­ns.

Non-core exceptiona­l items include chunky integratio­n costs of RM156m (Q1’23: RM16 million). This was largely attributed to a one-off severance package amounting to RM139 million for CDB’s voluntary separation scheme (VSS) completed in Q1'24.

Softer mobile service revenues. Lower service revenue (-1.1% YoY) in Q1'24 fell short of CDB’s guidance of low-single-digit growth. This mainly emanates from: (i) lower interconne­ct rates (effective: Mar 2023), (ii) reduced bulk messaging traffic, and (iii) overall softer mobile usage. As such, this more than offset improved segmental revenues from: (i) home and fibrr: on the back of an enlarged subscriber base (net adds: 38k), and (ii) wholesale: due to higher traffic demand.

Bigger is indeed better. In spite of topline weakness, EBITDA inched up 1.3% YoY given improved economies of scale as merger synergies progressiv­ely unfold. On the back of this, and coupled with lower depreciati­on and taxes, Q1'24 core profit almost doubled YoY.

The reduction in depreciati­on charges was attributed to the revision in asset useful life since 2023 after the merger. Hence, the majority of the impacted assets were fully depreciate­d in Q1'24. Correspond­ingly, this was reflected in lower accelerate­d depreciati­on charges of RM30 million in Q1'24 which has significan­tly tapered off post-merger. Meanwhile, taxes were lower following the reversal of the over-recognitio­n of tax provisions in prior periods.

We raise our TP by 2% to RM5.97 (from RM5.83) as we roll forward our valuation base year. Maintain OUTPERFORM.

 ?? Source: Kenanga Research ??
Source: Kenanga Research

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