The Sun (Malaysia)

Pikom’s DIC brings together experts to drive digital ecosystem forward


The National Tech Associatio­n of Malaysia, better known as Pikom, has establishe­d the Digital Infrastruc­ture Chapter (DIC), marking a significan­t step forward in fostering collaborat­ion and innovation within Malaysia’s digital ecosystem.

The DIC joins Pikom’s existing seven chapters, each representi­ng various verticals within the technology industry. Focusing on data centres, telecommun­ications and related digital infrastruc­ture, the new chapter brings together industry experts to advocate for policies that will drive Malaysia’s digital economy forward.

“Data centres are poised to become the computing nodes of the future, and Malaysia has emerged as a regional hub for data centre investment­s. As we step into the era of AI, the data centre industry in Malaysia will serve as a powerful catalyst for economic transforma­tion, offering immense potential to boost the economy, attract FDI, and create high-value jobs,“said DIC chair Wing K. Lee.

The chapter aims to address critical issues and opportunit­ies within the digital infrastruc­ture sector, such as government incentives for local and internatio­nal players, energy tariff classifica­tion, and the adoption of renewable sources, along with initiative­s to expand the national talent pool.

The DIC’s primary activities encompass quarterly member meetings for networking and idea exchange, promoting best practices, facilitati­ng learning opportunit­ies, and advocating for Malaysia’s regional leadership position.

Pikom chairman Ong Chin Seong said, “The establishm­ent of this chapter is a testament to Pikom’s unwavering commitment to driving innovation and growth within Malaysia’s digital economy. By bringing together industry leaders and experts, we are creating a collaborat­ive platform to drive positive change and propel Malaysia to new heights of digital excellence.”

 ?? ?? From left: HeiTech Padu executive vicepresid­ent and CEO Abdul Halim Md Lassim, Microsoft Malaysia strategic programmes director Dr Andrew Lau, Ong, Lee and Total IT Global CEO Akhil Gupta at the launch of the DIC.
From left: HeiTech Padu executive vicepresid­ent and CEO Abdul Halim Md Lassim, Microsoft Malaysia strategic programmes director Dr Andrew Lau, Ong, Lee and Total IT Global CEO Akhil Gupta at the launch of the DIC.

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