The Sun (Malaysia)

Executions last year highest in a decade


Executions around the world rose to their highest number in nearly a decade in 2023, with a sharp rise in the Middle East, Amnesty Internatio­nal said yesterday.

The 1,153 known executions that took place last year were the most recorded by the global rights monitor since 2015 – an increase of more than 30% compared with 2022.

Despite this, the number of countries that carried out executions was the lowest on record, according to the UK-headquarte­red NGO.

The figures did not include the “thousands of people” allegedly executed in China, as well as other executions believed to have taken place in North Korea and Vietnam, where there was a lack of data.

“The lowest number of countries on record carried out the highest number of known executions in close to a decade,” Amnesty said in its annual report on the subject.

It attributed this to the “alarming” spike in executions in Iran, where numbers spiked nearly 50% annually.

Iranian authoritie­s “ramped up executions for drug-related offences”, with the penalty disproport­ionately affecting marginalis­ed communitie­s, said Amnesty’s global chief Agnes Callamard.

China, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and the United States made up the other four countries with the highest number of executions last year.

The report also noted a 20% increase in the number of death sentences handed out globally.

However, the figures showed only 16 countries recorded executions – an all-time low.

Pakistan repealed the death penalty for drug related crimes and Malaysia abolished the mandatory death penalty for a range of offences.

In the United States, executions rose for the second consecutiv­e year, from 18 to 24.

Five states carried out the executions.

The report pointed to the introducti­on of Bills to execute by firing squad in two US states and a new law in South Carolina to conceal the identity of those involved in executions. – AFP

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