The Sun (Malaysia)

HK democrats brace for landmark verdict


The High Court here is set to hand down a verdict this week against 16 democrats in a landmark subversion trial that critics say could have major repercussi­ons for the city’s opposition democratic movement and the financial hub’s reputation.

The verdict comes more than three years after police arrested 47 democrats in raids across Hong Kong, later charging them with “conspiracy to commit subversion” under a China-imposed national security law.

The criminal trial is the biggest ever against Hong Kong’s democratic opposition and is being closely watched, with diplomats from the US, Britain and Europe having attended court proceeding­s.

So far, 31 of the 47 democrats have pleaded guilty, while 16 maintain their innocence. Four defendants have become prosecutio­n witnesses.

Mass pro-democracy protests erupted in Hong Kong in 2019 over new laws planned by Beijing, which democrats argued infringed on freedoms guaranteed when Hong Kong was handed back to China by the British in 1997.

The charges centre around an unofficial primary election in July 2020 that prosecutor­s called a “vicious plot” to paralyse the government.

The democrats maintain it was an unofficial attempt to select the strongest candidates for a citywide election in a bid to win a historic majority in the legislatur­e.

High Court judges Alex Lee, Andrew Chan and Johnny Chan are expected to deliver their verdict during hearings scheduled for today and tomorrow.

Most of the accused have been detained for more than 1,000 days since Feb 28, 2021, and were subjected to marathon bail hearings.

Countries including the US have criticised the trial as politicall­y motivated, and have called for the accused to be released.

Beijing says the national security laws have brought stability to Hong Kong after months-long, sometimes violent pro-democracy protests in 2019 and that human rights are respected.

Should the democrats be convicted, jail terms will range from a minimum three years for participan­ts, to life imprisonme­nt for “principal” offenders.

Those who have pleaded guilty include former law scholar Benny Tai, whom the prosecutio­n called a “mastermind”of the“conspiracy”, and activist Joshua Wong. They will be sentenced after the trial.

The legal saga, regardless of the outcome, has marginalis­ed Hong Kong’s once lively democratic opposition that had strived for decades to pressure Beijing to allow full democracy.

Among what critics say was a number of key departures from the city’s common law tradition, the trial was refused a jury by the Secretary of Justice Paul Lam. – Reuters

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