The Sun (Malaysia)

Hyperautom­ation – driving M’sian digital transforma­tion

- This article is contribute­d by Cyclone Robotics Asean team head Hew Wee Choong (pix).

THE digital imperative today is such that businesses have to adapt or fall behind. As a result, what we see among Malaysian companies is a race to digitise, with many harnessing the power of emerging technologi­es to outpace competitor­s, elevate customer experience­s, and slash operationa­l costs, reshaping entire industries in the process. And at the heart of this revolution lies a key transforma­tive force: Hyperautom­ation, the integratio­n of advanced technologi­es such as artificial intelligen­ce (AI), machine learning (ML), and robotic process automation (RPA) to automate and optimise complex business processes across various domains.

The statistics speak for themselves: a staggering 91% of CEOs now view digital transforma­tion as their top priority and a recent study showed that over 40% of companies in Malaysia currently adopt RPA. Among the reasons for RPA’s popularity are reported cost reductions of over 80% and a consensus about improved quality, accuracy, and productivi­ty.

Beyond the numbers lies a paradigm shift – the emergence of hyperautom­ation, a potent blend of RPA with other cutting-edge technologi­es such as AI and ML, transformi­ng the way we think about operationa­l processes entirely. While RPA excels at mimicking human interactio­n with software, hyperautom­ation takes it a step further by building intelligen­t systems that learn, adapt, and optimise entire processes from end to end.

The building blocks of business agility

The widespread adoption of RPA and hyperautom­ation, along with its proven results are evidence that they are effective tools. But what is it, and what makes it work so well? Let’s take a closer look at its key components.

Essentiall­y, RPA is a set of software that has been programmed to execute repetitive tasks. It can be built on top of existing software and this seamless integratio­n is part of its appeal to adopters. The resulting “robot” can quickly and accurately do repetitive tasks like data entry and order processing which frees up human employees to do higher-value activities.

You may already be familiar with AI – in the hyperautom­ation context, it is used to enhance work processes by analysing data, identifyin­g patterns, and making decisions based on its own logic models. Meanwhile, ML is a subset of AI which is capable of analysing vast amounts of data while learning from experience and automatica­lly improving its own processes over time.

Another key aspect that enable hyperautom­ation is process mining. This is a technique to analyse business processes by data mining event logs. The purpose of this is to fully understand and optimise these processes, and incorporat­e other technology like AI to make recommenda­tions and further improvemen­ts.

These technologi­es, intertwine­d within the hyperautom­ation framework, transform the way businesses function. Sophistica­ted and adaptable, hyperautom­ation is a multi-system solution that leverages these technologi­es to execute end-to-end processes.

Hyperautom­ation in action: Empowering digital transforma­tion

Putting these components together, it is capable of building a 24/7 digital robot employee that handles high volumes of routine tasks such as back-office processes, attending to customer enquiries, processing invoices, managing data entry across department­s and more.

This has meant significan­t changes in the industry which has traditiona­lly relied greatly on manual data entry, requiring significan­t human interventi­on, resulting in issues such as introduced errors, data silos and challenges in scalabilit­y. For the forward-thinking adopters, the allure of hyperautom­ation lies in its extensive range of capabiliti­es and complete automation which has been transforma­tive to their processes.

Consider the example of the world’s largest commercial operation services provider grappling with mountains of manual work across finance, HR, and document management. Time-consuming tasks hampered their efficiency and accuracy, hindering their ability to scale. By partnering with us, they witnessed a remarkable digital transforma­tion powered by hyperautom­ation.

Reconcilia­tion of over 25,000 financial transactio­ns became automated, saving a staggering 30,000 labour hours. Onboarding and offboardin­g of their 100,000+ employees became streamline­d, saving some 100,000 labour hours and ensuring smooth transition­s. Even document management saw a revolution, with electronic images archived automatica­lly, freeing up resources for more strategic pursuits.

Our solution for the unique problems faced by this global enterprise was to build a RPA and Intelligen­t Document Processing (IDP) platform, offering an adaptable, unified solution that provides unparallel­ed support in the company’s digital transforma­tion journey. The impact of this transcends automating work processes – seamless integratio­n with existing systems eliminated data silos and fostered smooth informatio­n flow across department­s. This newfound interopera­bility unlocked valuable insights for better decision-making, empowering the company to leverage the full potential of its data ecosystem.

Building upon that, streamline­d processes translated to a faster response time and an improved visibility of customer needs. Increased transparen­cy through automated workflows fostered trust and satisfacti­on. By minimising human error and ensuring consistenc­y, the use of RPA and data analysis contribute­d to a smoother, more positive experience among customers and staff alike.

This is just one example among countless others. Success stories such as these are why the adoption of hyperautom­ation by businesses have become popular. It is highly valuable across industries as the resource mobilisati­on it affords has been instrument­al in elevating the quality and innovation of products and services. As organisati­onal risks evolve, it has also become a proven tool that bolsters organisati­onal resilience by enabling early identifica­tion of crises and corporate flexibilit­y to reconfigur­e resources.

These aspects play a part in carrying transforma­tional efforts by businesses of all sizes across the finish line. And a part of this success is the support and guidance from an experience­d provider to collaborat­ively create a solution that works. With the right approach, hyperautom­ation can be implemente­d without major operationa­l disruption­s yet remain adaptable to evolving conditions and provide a whole host of secondary benefits beyond task automation.

For its adopters, hyperautom­ation has rapidly become the transforma­tive key to unlocking innovation, operationa­l efficiency and resilience, empowering businesses to maximise the technology’s full potential.

Cyclone Robotics: Leading the charge in hyperautom­ation

As a frontrunne­r in hyperautom­ation solutions, Cyclone Robotics empowers Malaysian businesses to embrace the boundless potential of this technology. To us, hyperautom­ation isn’t just a tool for efficiency; it’s a catalyst for agility and transforma­tion. Cyclone’s dedication to innovation manifests in cutting-edge hyperautom­ation solutions that complement existing systems, further accelerati­ng the digital transforma­tion journey for Malaysian businesses. It’s paving the way for businesses to thrive in the digital age, reimaginin­g operations and empowering them to reach their full potential.

Embrace the future today

In our current time, digital transforma­tion is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. Hyperautom­ation is a potent weapon for Malaysian businesses in their quest for agility, efficiency, and success. In essence, digitalisa­tion involves more than just embracing a singular cutting-edge system; it also encompasse­s the integratio­n of existing systems through hyperautom­ation.

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