The Sun (Malaysia)

Binance founder sentenced to four months in prison

Crypto exchange accused of ‘Wild West’ model, failed to report 100,000+ suspicious transactio­ns to terrorist groups


Changpeng Zhao, the former CEO of Binance, was sentenced on Tuesday to four months in prison after pleading guilty to violating US laws against money laundering at the world’s largest cryptocurr­ency exchange.

Once considered the most powerful crypto industry figure, Zhao is the second major crypto boss to be sentenced to prison.

The sentence imposed by US District Judge Richard Jones in Seattle was significan­tly shorter than the three years sought by prosecutor­s, and below the maximum 1½ years recommende­d under federal guidelines.

It was also much lighter than the 25 years behind bars that Sam Bankman-Fried received in March for stealing US$8 billion from customers of his now-bankrupt FTX exchange. Bankman-Fried is appealing his conviction and sentence.

Still, prosecutor­s cheered the outcome of what had been a yearslong investigat­ion into Binance and

Zhao, a billionair­e who had been living beyond US reach in the United Arab Emirates.

“This was an epic day,” US Attorney Tessa Gorman told reporters outside the courthouse. “Incarcerat­ion was critical in this case and we’re pleased with the result.”

Before handing down the sentence, Jones faulted Zhao for making Binance’s growth and profitabil­ity a higher priority than complying with US laws.

“You had the wherewitha­l, the finance capabiliti­es, and the people power to make sure that every single regulation had to be complied with, and so you failed at that opportunit­y,” he said.

Zhao, 47, did not visibly react upon hearing his sentence.

He wore a navy blue suit and tie in the courtroom, with his mother and several other family members in attendance. Defense lawyers had requested probation.

“Crime pays’ is the message sent today,” Dennis Kelleher, head of the financial reform advocacy group Better Markets, wrote in an email, noting Zhao will still get to keep his vast wealth.

Prosecutor­s said Binance employed a “Wild West” model that welcomed criminals, and did not report more than 100,000 suspicious transactio­ns with designated terrorist groups including Hamas, al-Qaeda and Islamic State.

They also said Zhao’s exchange supported the sale of child sexual abuse materials and received a large portion of ransomware proceeds.

Binance agreed to a US$4.32 billion penalty, and Zhao paid a US$50 million criminal fine plus US$50 million to the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

“I’m sorry,” Zhao told the judge before being sentenced.

“I believe the first step of taking responsibi­lity is to fully recognise the mistakes. Here I failed to implement an adequate anti-money laundering programme. I realise now the seriousnes­s of that mistake.”

Much of Binance’s misconduct, including its weak money laundering controls, was first reported by Reuters.

Zhao will surrender voluntaril­y to serve his sentence, most likely at a detention center near Seattle-Tacoma Internatio­nal Airport.

Several other crypto moguls are also in the crosshairs of US authoritie­s after the collapse of crypto prices in 2022 exposed fraud and misconduct across the industry. – Reuters

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