The Sun (Malaysia)

Huawei posts fivefold increase in Q1 profit

US-sanctioned tech giant bites into Apple’s sales in China


Tech giant Huawei’s first-quarter profit surged over fivefold year-on-year, a company filing showed on Tuesday, as the US-sanctioned firm continues a rebound and bit into competitor Apple’s sales in China.

Huawei has long found itself caught in the middle of an intense technologi­cal rivalry between Beijing and Washington, which has warned the firm’s equipment could be used for Chinese espionage operations – allegation­s denied by Huawei.

Sanctions imposed by Washington in 2019 restrictin­g the company’s access to US-made components greatly inhibited Huawei’s production of smartphone­s at the time.

The Shenzhen-based company has since responded by diversifyi­ng into other fields including 5G, artificial intelligen­ce and smart-driving technology in a bid to rescue flagging sales.

Net profit in the January-March period amounted to US$2.7 billion (RM12.8 billion), up 564% from the first quarter of last year, according to a results filing by

Huawei’s holding company on an official website and confirmed by a representa­tive of the firm.

Revenue during the period also rose 36.7% year-on-year to reach US$24.7 billion, the filing showed.

It did not break down profits by sector. Huawei is a private, unlisted company, and is therefore not subject to the same obligation­s as other major firms to publish detailed results.

The firm unveiled the Mate 60 Pro last summer, a high-performanc­e smartphone equipped with a chip that experts say would be impossible to produce without foreign technologi­es, questionin­g the effectiven­ess of US restrictio­ns.

In an apparent snub to Washington, the Mate 60’s August 2023 announceme­nt coincided with a visit to China by Gina Raimondo, head of the US Department of Commerce which was responsibl­e for the sanctions.

Huawei competitor Apple saw iPhone sales slump by 19% in the first quarter in

China, Bloomberg reported, citing market research firm Counterpoi­nt.

The latest earnings report comes a month after Huawei said its profits more than doubled in 2023, a year in which the smartphone maker continued its efforts to diversify.

A Huawei representa­tive said revenue growth in the first quarter was achieved by “seizing opportunit­ies in digitalisa­tion, intelligen­ce and decarbonis­ation”.

“The industry and global markets will remain rife with uncertaint­y for the rest of 2024.

“We are confident that we can meet our annual business targets and achieve sustainabl­e growth,” the representa­tive added in a statement.

Tensions between Beijing and Washington remain high as the world’s two largest economies lock horns over everything from trade to the self-ruled island of Taiwan, which is claimed by China.

The United States has urged allies to follow its lead in banning Huawei’s 5G technology from domestic telecommun­ications networks, arguing that China could use it to monitor communicat­ions and data traffic in other countries.

 ?? REUTERSPIC ?? A Luxeed S7 electric sedan, developed by Huawei and Chery Aut, is displayed at Huawei’s booth at the Beijing Internatio­nal Automotive Exhibition. –
REUTERSPIC A Luxeed S7 electric sedan, developed by Huawei and Chery Aut, is displayed at Huawei’s booth at the Beijing Internatio­nal Automotive Exhibition. –

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