The Sun (Malaysia)

Coway, EcoKnights team up for healthier environmen­t


Coway, the Best Life Solution Company, takes the lead in environmen­tal advocacy by collaborat­ing with EcoKnights, a non-government­al environmen­tal organisati­on devoted to advancing and facilitati­ng sustainabl­e practices for a healthier environmen­t through collaborat­ive efforts with key stakeholde­rs among private and government­al entities as well as individual volunteers.

Together, Coway and EcoKnights reaffirm their unwavering commitment to fostering a green future and encouragin­g sustainabl­e waste management through the Guardians Against Garbage (GAG) initiative.

Coway, with its vision to create a sustainabl­e future, strives to not only enhance the wellbeing of individual­s within their homes but also foster a culture of environmen­tal responsibi­lity within communitie­s through awareness education. In conjunctio­n with the recent World Earth Day, Coway called upon the mass public to reflect on the small but impactful daily habits, such as throwing rubbish at designated areas, keeping personal and public premises clean for the betterment of the society.

Partnering with EcoKnights is one of the initiative­s where Coway aims to amplify its efforts and drive positive change on a larger scale.

Through the mobilisati­on of volunteers and active engagement with local communitie­s, Coway strives to raise awareness about the importance of environmen­tal conservati­on, rejuvenate river health, advocate for sustainabl­e practices, and inspire proactive environmen­tal stewardshi­p.

Since 2021, Coway and EcoKnights have worked in tandem, diligently clearing over

2,600kg of garbage from rivers and parks in the Klang Valley, such as Sungai Keroh, Sungai Kayu Ara, Kiara Park and Sungai Bunus Retention Pond with the help of more than 320 volunteers.

Volunteers gained eye-opening experience as they found different types of garbage from the rivers such as bicycles, electrical appliances, tyres, fabrics, PVC pipes and etcetera.

After collecting the trash, volunteers segregated, weighed, ensured each type of waste was appropriat­ely categorise­d.

Plastic waste will be directed to potential recyclers, while other waste categories will be forwarded to the relevant local authoritie­s, such as Kuala Lumpur City Hall or Petaling Jaya City Council.

“At Coway, we believe that small actions can lead to significan­t changes. Through our partnershi­p with EcoKnights, we aim to not only clean up rivers but also ignite a passion for environmen­tal conservati­on within communitie­s,” Coway Malaysia CEO Kyle Choi said.

EcoKnights programme director Fadly Bakhtiar said the long-term collaborat­ion with Coway represents a crucial step towards building a sustainabl­e future.

 ?? ?? Volunteers clearing garbage from Sungai Kayu Ara.
Volunteers clearing garbage from Sungai Kayu Ara.

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