New Straits Times

Ex-security guard claims trial to raping, robbing niece


A former security guard was charged in the Sessions Court here yesterday with allegedly raping and robbing his niece last month.

The 31-year-old, who claimed to suffer from mental disability, pleaded not guilty after the charges were read to him before judge Rasidah Roslee.

The man is accused of raping his 33-year-old niece in a room at a house in Taman Cempaka at 4.30am on Aug 26.

He was charged under Section 376(3) of the Penal Code for rape, which carries the maximum 30 years’ jail sentence and up to 10 strokes of whipping upon conviction.

Deputy public prosecutor S. Thiviya proposed bail at RM20,000 with one surety and three additional conditions.

The accused, who was unrepresen­ted, however, informed the court that he had no surety and requested a psychiatri­c evaluation, citing ongoing mental health treatment.

Rasidah did not grant bail and postponed the case to Sept 25 to verify the accused’s OKU (person with disability) status.

“I instruct the investigat­ing officer to submit all relevant documents on the accused’s status, including his OKU card and mental health treatment records.

“Bail will be considered once a surety is available,” she said.

In a separate courtroom before judge Hazelia Mohammad, the man was charged with robbing his niece of RM40, S$20 and a mobile phone at the same time and place as the alleged rape.

He pleaded not guilty to the charge under Section 392 of the Penal Code, which was read together with Section 397.

If convicted, he faces up to 14 years in prison, with the possibilit­y of a fine or caning.

Deputy public prosecutor Nur Diyana Zubir proposed bail at RM20,000 with one surety and additional conditions, including monthly reporting to the police station, surrenderi­ng his passport, and refraining from contacting the victim.

The court set bail at RM10,000 with the conditions attached.

The court also set Sept 25 for mention to allow for the appointmen­t of lawyers and the submission of the accused’s mental health report.

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