New Straits Times


Umno supreme council member says candidate must have backing of state, federal govts


VOTERS in Sungai Bakap, especially the youth, have been told to vote rationally and not based on sentiment. Umno supreme council member Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan said there was no reason for voters here not to vote for Pakatan Harapan’s Dr Joohari Ariffin.

He said voters must vote for a candidate who had the backing of the state and federal government­s.

“Otherwise, what is the benefit of voting?

“We know of the water supply disruption issue facing some of the voters here. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim recently announced a RM4 billion project to resolve the water issue in northern Perak and Seberang Prai.

“This is the country’s political reality. It is easier to solve the people’s problems and for allocation­s to be channelled if you are in sync with the government of the day.

“As such, we urge all voters not to vote based on sentiment,” he said at the Sungai Bakap byelection media centre here yesterday.

Ahmad said it would be nearly four years before voters in Sungai Bakap have a chance to vote again.

“Imagine the time when voters are faced with all sorts of problems and a lack of allocation.

“This opportunit­y (to vote for the right candidate) will not come by again.”

The Sungai Bakap by-election will see a straight fight between Joohari and Perikatan Nasional’s Abidin Ismail. Voting has been set for this Saturday.

Anwar recently reminded Sungai Bakap by-election voters, especially the youth, to give the unity government candidate an opportunit­y to represent them.

The prime minister’s senior political secretary, Datuk Seri Shamsul Iskandar Md Akin, said the reminder was crucial so that more infrastruc­ture programmes and developmen­t could be implemente­d comprehens­ively in Sungai Bakap.

Meanwhile, Ahmad said he met with young voters in Sungai Duri on Tuesday.

“I was shocked by their huge presence. I am sure if we endear ourselves to them and explain to them, they will understand.

“During the meeting, I spoke about technical and vocational education and training and the vast opportunit­y that awaits them with high income.

“We want to let the young people know that we care about them and will help them. We hope they will open up their hearts and minds to us,” he said.

Ahmad also advised young voters not to merely look at the TikTok accounts of the opposition.

“Try opening up the TikTok accounts of the unity government leaders as well. There are many things to see and learn.”

Ahmad said just like Anwar and the Penang Yang di-Pertua Negeri, Joohari is also a local boy.

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 ?? PIC TAKEN FROM AHMAD MASLAN’S FB PAGE ?? Umno supreme council member Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan (third from left) with residents of Sungai Bakap at the Sungai Duri night market area on Tuesday.
PIC TAKEN FROM AHMAD MASLAN’S FB PAGE Umno supreme council member Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan (third from left) with residents of Sungai Bakap at the Sungai Duri night market area on Tuesday.

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