New Straits Times


Businesses claim algorithm tweak has cost them their livelihood­s


GOOGLE made major changes to its search algorithm and spam filters earlier this year to get rid of low-quality content — but the effects have proved devastatin­g to some smaller websites.

Online businesses have been left considerin­g layoffs and even site closures after Google’s massive upgrade in March and April caused catastroph­ic drops in traffic.

Gisele Navarro is one of the unlucky ones whose website got caught up in Google’s dragnet.

The 37-year-old Argentine runs the HouseFresh website with her husband, and they had been building a healthy niche in product reviews for air purifiers since 2020.

There were no ads, no product placements and no soft-pedalling — if a product was bad, the site’s reviewers would say so.

They earned commission­s from clickthrou­ghs to Amazon.

But Google’s update changed all of that.

“We found that we went from ranking No. 1 — because we were one of the only people who had actually done a review — to not even showing up,” she said.

HouseFresh used to get around 4,000 referrals from Google search a day, but this has since collapsed to around 200.

The dropoff in business has been so bad that Navarro said she had been advised to shutter the site and start over with a new domain name.

Underpinni­ng the frustratio­n for Navarro and many other sites is the lack of clarity over how Google ranks results.

The United States firm is notoriousl­y secretive about its algorithms — so much so that an entire industry known as “search engine optimisati­on” (SEO) has grown up trying to game the algorithm to get more clicks.

The latest update sent SEO experts into a tailspin, desperatel­y trying to unpack why some sites were boosted and others getting downranked.

Google said in an email its update was designed specifical­ly to give users “fewer results that feel made for search engines”.

“The only changes we launch are ones that our experiment­s have shown will meaningful­ly improve results for people. And we do believe that these updates have been helpful,” Google said.

Yet Navarro showed in a widely shared blog post in May that people searching for product reviews were increasing­ly being fed ads and content that appeared to be artificial intelligen­ce-generated or SEO-maximised.

Some businesses have said they are now seeking ways to avoid relying on Google search — whether by writing newsletter­s, making podcasts or finding other ways to attract audiences.

Navarro, who has had to reduce her staff, has pivoted to video reviews and newsletter­s to try to reconnect with her audience.

And despite her experience with Google, she remains an optimist about the web.

She has been heartened by the many messages of support, and an uptick in referrals from alternativ­e search engines like DuckDuckGo.

“The entire knowledge of humankind is on the web — and that’s worth something,” she said. “I don’t want to give up on it just because Google is broken.”

 ?? REUTERS PIC ?? Google’s latest update sent search engine optimisati­on experts into a tailspin.
REUTERS PIC Google’s latest update sent search engine optimisati­on experts into a tailspin.

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