New Straits Times

Buzz buzzing, thanks to Shell LiveWIRE


“START a business with a good problem and not a good idea,” said Joshua Lim Yi Fan, cofounder of Buzz, formerly known as Beebag.

He said to identify a meaningful problem, engage with many people in the industry to understand their challenges, especially if there was a lack of industry experience.

"It’s crucial to not overlook the simple task of asking just a few people because it helps you find a problem and build the right solution for it."

Joshua and his twin brother, Joel Lim Yi Xuan, founded Buzz in August 2021, revolution­ising marketing in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry. Their platform allows brands to utilise purchase data for personalis­ed itemlevel promotions and precise attributio­n of marketing expenditur­es.

Through the Buzz Engagement Network (BEN), FMCG brands can reach millions of shoppers across various platforms. By leveraging purchase insights, brands can offer personalis­ed cashback deals, effectivel­y driving online-tooffline (O2O) sales conversion.

Joshua Lim Yi Fan (left) and Joel Lim Yi Xuan

“We’re unlocking an entirely new marketing channel for FMCG brands to reach millions of shoppers while also enabling financial technology (fintech)-related consumer platforms to access the FMCG brand’s marketing dollars as additional revenue and engagement for their consumers.

“And ultimately, shoppers benefit from this dynamic as they are able to discover saving opportunit­ies for their everyday items,” said Joshua.

Before founding Buzz, the Lim siblings introduced Beebag, a solution that rewarded consumers for reusing plastic to reduce pollution from single-use plastics.

Beebag utilised NFC (Near Field Communicat­ion) and QR (quick response) technology to create Southeast Asia’s first smart reusable bag. Today, the company, now known as BuzzLoop, has expanded to offer smart reusable bottles and cups.

The Lims, who obtained degrees in economics and finance from Xiamen University, raised over RM700,000 in funding through grants and investment­s from Cradle Fund, MRANTI, Sunway iLabs, and ScaleUp


They also participat­ed in the Shell LiveWIRE programme, winning in 2022.

According to Joshua, the RM50,000 award money assisted the company in expanding its marketing efforts and refining its product.

He added that Buzz’s reputation as an early-stage firm had been enhanced by the attention surroundin­g its Shell LiveWIRE programme win and its affiliatio­n with Shell Malaysia.

Launched in 2015, Shell LiveWIRE Malaysia supports entreprene­urs through a series of workshops to develop and improve their business ideas and test their business models.

Towards the end of the programme, participan­ts engage in a pitching workshop and competitio­n that aim to provide the skills for them to grow their businesses.

Expanding to new heights

Joshua said since the company was named a Shell LiveWIRE winner, its business had expanded rapidly.

“As Shell is a big and well-establishe­d corporatio­n, we knew we would be able to improve and grow our solution with its help. We learnt a great deal about improving our business model and pitching from the trainers during the initial bootcamp. Additional­ly, we made valuable connection­s with fellow entreprene­urs and gained insights from their experience­s.

"We’ve tripled our revenue since becoming a Shell LiveWIRE winner. We crossed the six-figure revenue mark in 2023 and doubled our 2023 revenue in the first two quarters of 2024. Additional­ly, we’ve also improved our business model with the recent pivot to Buzz, and we hope this pivot will enable us to appeal more to retail businesses like Shell,” he said. Earlier this year, Buzz was invited to be part of the Brunei Startup Summit 2024, providing an opportunit­y to introduce the business to the Brunei market. "Joshua said Buzz needed to give its stakeholde­rs greater value if it wanted to expand.

"While Beebag’s solution was addressing some of the problems faced by the industry, it wasn’t sufficient to grow to the scale we wanted.

“That is when we decided to explore beyond impact and look into addressing commercial problems. And after months of interviewi­ng and research, we launched the ‘MVP of Buzz’ in August 2023 with the goal of providing more saving opportunit­ies for shoppers and helping FMCG brands improve marketing ROI and data analytics.

“After receiving great feedback from both users and partners on the MVP, we decided to fully pivot our business in March and officially announced our rebranding to Buzz," he said.

The brothers aim to enhance consumers' quality of life with Buzz by making it easy for them to find savings on everyday purchases, particular­ly benefiting the Bottom 40 and Middle 40 communitie­s. They argue that the current marketing landscape, where advertisin­g funds primarily go to companies like Google and Facebook, fails to provide direct benefits to consumers.

"We want to change this by involving shoppers directly and allowing them to benefit from their data. With BuzzLoop, we are working on reducing single-use plastic pollution. The world is drowning in single-use plastics, and Malaysia is one of the largest contributo­rs to single-use plastic in the world.

"A recent study showed that Malaysians ingest more microplast­ics daily than 108 other countries. Our solution aims to address this issue by promoting the use of reusable bags, bottles, and cups with rewards.

"By successful­ly addressing this issue, we’re not only able to improve the lives of people but also contribute to a cleaner environmen­t, which would have a direct impact on the economy of the country too.”

Joshua acknowledg­ed the chal

lenges of lacking experience and connection­s in their business.

To overcome these, he and his brother read books, listened to industry-related podcasts, and consulted with industry experts and experience­d entreprene­urs. To build connection­s, they participat­ed in startup and entreprene­urship programs like Shell LiveWIRE.

Through these events, they met many industry investors and entreprene­urs who became crucial to their journey.

"One key lesson I learned early on is that the benefits are often indirect and not immediate, so it's important to expose yourself as much as possible to eventually get 'lucky.' Besides joining events and programmes, we were also active on LinkedIn, which was crucial in helping potential partners, clients, and investors discover us," he said.

Shell LiveWIRE Malaysia is back this year

Shell LiveWIRE Malaysia is calling out all entreprene­urs from Sabah, Sarawak, and Peninsular Malaysia to be a part of this exciting initiative that can be a game-changer for budding entreprene­urs.

Shell Malaysia is seeking out entreprene­urs whose ideas will power lives in environmen­tal sustainabi­lity, social impact, and business innovation. Shell LiveWIRE Malaysia will run in Kuching, Kota Kinabalu, and the Klang Valley.

Five winners from each state will receive seed grants of RM10,000. These five winners from each state will then compete at the national level, where five national winners will stand a chance to win an additional RM30,000.

Alongside the grant, the winners will also be provided with mentorship and guidance to kickstart their businesses from the Shell LiveWIRE Malaysia facilitato­rs for the next three years, a chance to be absorbed into Shell’s supply chain, and a chance to go into partnershi­p with Shell retailers.

The deadline to register for Shell LiveWIRE Malaysia Peninsular Malaysia challenge is July 10. Register today at and live your dream!

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 ?? ?? Buzz co-founder Joshua Lim Yi Fan (second from right) with other Buzz community work participan­ts in Langkawi last year.
Buzz co-founder Joshua Lim Yi Fan (second from right) with other Buzz community work participan­ts in Langkawi last year.

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