New Straits Times

Micro, small and medium enterprise­s allowed to consolidat­e e-Invoices



government has agreed to allow micro, small and medium enterprise­s (MSMEs) to issue consolidat­ed e-Invoices which combine all sales transactio­ns conducted for each month.

Finance Minister II Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan said MSMEs only have to submit the e-Invoices to the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia within the first seven days of the following month.

“The government is aware of the challenges faced by MSMEs in adopting e-Invoices, especially the higher operationa­l cost, technologi­cal applicatio­n and the gap in knowledge readiness on e-Invoice,” he said in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday in reply to a query from Khoo Poay Tiong (PHKota Melaka) who wanted to know about the government’s efforts to assist small and medium enterprise­s in implementi­ng eInvoice and how it was managing the system’s maintenanc­e cost.

The minister explained that there were two e-Invoice transmissi­on mechanisms — data transmissi­on via the MyInvois portal or point-of-sale system, which does not involve additional cost, and integratio­n of the business accounting system with the MyInvois system.

For traders who choose to develop their own systems or use technology providers, tax incentives have been provided. This includes the reduction of the capital allowance claim period from four years to three years for the purchase of ICT equipment and computer software packages effective from assessment year 2024.

He said traders will enjoy a tax deduction of up to RM50,000 for each assessment year for consulting fee expenses incurred by MSMEs from assessment year 2024 to 2027.

“The government is also aware that the process to adapt to eInvoicing requires a long period due to the challenges and constraint­s faced, especially for small traders such as roadside stalls or door-to-door businesses.

“Currently, small traders who have annual sales of below RM150,000 do not need to issue e-Invoices. However, the government is encouragin­g their involvemen­t in line with the country’s aspiration­s towards digitisati­on of business.”

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